Earth Matters

Earth Matters / John Cornell – NM Wildlife Federation

today21 January 2016 67

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On this week’s Earth Matters, Donna Stevens, Executive Director of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, interviews John Cornell, Sportsman Organizer for the New Mexico Wildlife Federation.  Not a hunter?  Not to worry… conservationists have much in common with the Wildlife Federation.

This wide-ranging conversation covers such topics as the State Land Office’s recent huge fee increase to allow access to state land for New Mexico’s hunters – while failing to also raise fees for oil and gas leases on state land.  Cornell discusses the bad idea that refuses to die – transferring federal public lands to the state.  Where does the New Mexico Wildlife Federation stand on issues as diverse as access to public land, the 1872 Mining Law, renewable energy, and the Gila River diversion?  Listen in to find out.

Earth Matters is broadcast
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday at 10am and Thursday at 8pm.

or listen at your convenience via this link…
Earth Matters / John Cornell – NM Wildlife Federation

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061
