Hearing Voices

10 Results / Page 1 of 2

A long cherished objective of GMCR is creating a way that individuals can speak to the community at large. It is part of what we mean when we say that GMCR offers

A Voice & A Choice

Now that we offer Hearing Voices, we hope that it serves the needs of not only the individuals or groups that speak but those who listen and the entire community in the sense that it contributes to the “marketplace of ideas.”

You are invited to submit short commentaries on a range of issues.

Due to the irregularity of submissions, Hearing Voices does not presently have a fixed timeslot. Thus – though they may be time sensitive – circumstance may not allow advance notice of their broadcast. But as time and humane (! We can always hope…) resources allow, their broadcast times may be noted – and podcasts of their submissions will be archived for all to listen to at their convenience – on their respective pages..

The opinions expressed are those of the speakers – and not necessarily those of GMCR. We encourage our listeners to be thoughtful and clear in their presentations and we hope that they will expand and enhance community dialogue. Think of Hearing Voices as you would for Letters to the Editor or the Opinion pages in typical news outlets. Submissions are subject to GMCR’s Editorial Policy – which includes our discretion – regarding submissions.

If you wish to address an issue, please submit your request using this form…
Hearing Voices Submissions

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Shelby Hallmark on Clinton Emails

In this segment of Hearing Voices, Shelby Hallmark reads a commentary composed with Lindee Lenox regarding the Hillary Clinton email server controversy. While critics continue to allege misconduct on her part and a cover up regarding this and a litany of issues dating back to her tenure as 1st Lady, a recent FBI investigation - like others preceding it - has not resulted in charges being brought against Clinton on the […]

today2 August 2016 138

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Tom Manning on PNM

In this segment of Hearing Voices, Tom Manning addresses a matter currently being considered before the PRC/ New Mexico Public Regulations Commission - and soon before the New Mexico Supreme Court... PNM's Replacement Power Proposal. The outcome of this proposal will have a significant impact on New Mexico's energy, environmental, and economic prospects for decades. For additional information, follow these links... New Energy Economy ABQ Journal / Supreme Court intervenes […]

today29 October 2015 76

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Laura Ramnarace on Social Resiliency

In this segment of Hearing Voices, Laura Ramnarace speaks about the concept of social resiliency and how anyone can easily help strengthen the social fabric of Grant County. Ms Ramnarace has lived in Grant County since 1992.  She raised her children here and received her B.A. from WNMU. She continued her education at Antioch University where she received a M.A. in Conflict Resolution.  Since 1999 Ms Ramnarace has provided conflict […]

today26 November 2014 125

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Eli Kronen on Albuquerque Protest of Police Brutality

Twenty-seven people have been shot to death by Albuquerque police officers since 2010 - that's about the same number as in NYC in the same time period (with 15 times the population).  El Paso, a border town a little more populous than Albuquerque, had five officer-related shootings in the same time period. The City and Police department have been unresponsive to a series of complaints and demonstrations and these demonstrations […]

today31 May 2014 107

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Michael Robinson on Mexican Gray Wolf Hearings

This installment of Hearing Voices features Michael Robinson of the Center for Biological Diversity. As Conservation Advocate for The Center for Biological Diversity, Michael's work focuses on the protection and recovery of top predators like Mexican gray wolves and jaguars.  He is the author of Predatory Bureaucracy: The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is holding a hearing on Tuesday 3 December 2013 in Pinetop, AZ to […]

today26 November 2013 128

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Bija Aronow on Chem Trails & Toxic Aerosols

This installment of Hearing Voices features recent Grant County arrival Bija Aranow addressing the issue of Chem Trails and their toxic content. Having lived in close proximity to a major air force base before, during and after the introduction of large scale chem trail activity, Bija has directly experienced the effects of this constant downpour of a chemical soup containing extraordinary levels of chemicals and known toxic substances. Having suffered […]

today29 August 2013 119

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Ski Szymanski on the
“Quality of Life” Tax Increase

This installment of Hearing Voices features Walter "Ski" Szymanski - retired labor organizer and community activist - with his commentary on the, uh, Quality of Life Tax Increase proposed under a special mail-in election whose ballots are being mailed on 29 July 2013. Ski urges a NO vote on the measure and details - that's where the devil is - the distinction between an actual "Quality of Life" measure as defined […]

today30 July 2013 127

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Gordon West on the
“Quality of Life” Tax Increase

This installment of Hearing Voices features Gordon West - local businessman, entrepreneur and the current president of the SW NM Green Chamber of Commerce. Gordon addresses the current Quality of Life Tax Increase proposed under a special mail-in election whose ballots are being mailed on 29 July 2013. He points out the several conflicts with existing public and private enterprises as well as the lack of transparency and comprehensive planning […]

today30 July 2013 80

Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices / Lynda Aiman-Smith on the
“Quality of Life” Tax Increase

Dr Lynda Aiman-Smith is still a member of the Graduate Faculty of Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University.  However she is a native New Mexican who has finally come back home.  Her areas of expertise are management, innovation, and entrepreneurship. As well as being active in research and teaching, she has been a serial entrepreneur, and a manager in corporate America. This installment of Hearing Voices is […]

today28 July 2013 75

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061