Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – April 30, 2020

today30 April 2020 29

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Coronavirus updates for Grant County for Wednesday, April 29, 2020.  Our guest today on Coronavirus Update is Andrea Warner, President of the Give Grandly Coalition, about the upcoming Give Grandly local day of giving event.

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila-Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to co**************************@gm***.com

NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Message from Grant County’s health care providers – video

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Coronavirus Update Resource Page –

CVU is broadcast live weekdays at Noon and
rebroadcast following Democracy Now! at 6pm and 8am

Or listen to this episode at your convenience via this link…
CVU / Coronavirus Update – April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020 – Updates as of 10 am – Please note: Because we are producing this show remotely, these updates are current as of 10 am. Information on this page can change quickly, including Coronavirus Updates from previous days. Please visit to see the latest updates.

As of Today – Thursday , April 30 – 3213 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in New Mexico, with 112 deaths, 163 hospitalized individuals, and 734 recoveries according to the New Mexico Department of Health.

Grant County currently has 14 positive cases of coronavirus. In total, 65,085 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the state, and 495 have been conducted in Grant County.

For a full breakdown of COVID-19 cases by county and demographic information, visit the state’s COVID-19 data dashboard at:

The Department of Health reports that given the infectious nature of the virus it is likely other residents are infected but yet to be tested or confirmed positive. To that end, all New Mexicans have been instructed to stay home except for outings absolutely necessary for health, safety and welfare.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham will hold a press conference today at 3pm. She’s expected to extend the stay-at-home order that expires today through May 15. You can watch the press conference live on the Governor’s Facebook page at


Due to increased statewide testing capacity, the Grant County Public Health Office has started COVID-19 testing for essential workers who have been working during this time of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. This list includes essential workers at grocery stores, cities, counties, and gas stations, as well as utility workers, health care workers, and volunteers distributing food. Testing will be conducted every Tuesday, 8:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. at the Grant County Public Health Office (front parking lot) located at 2610 N. Silver Street. Please call (575) 538-5318 (ext. 4) to make an appointment. Doctors referrals are no longer needed but patients will need an appointment.

As a reminder — New Mexicans who report symptoms of COVID-19 infection, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, are advised to call their health care provider or the COVID-19 hotline immediately at 1-855-600-3453

New Mexicans who have non-health-related questions or concerns can also call the COVID-19 Information Hotline at 833-551-0518 or visit, which is being updated regularly as a one-stop source for information for families, workers and others affected by and seeking more information about COVID-19.


The state of New Mexico announced yesterday that frontline workers are asked to start saving N95 masks, given new decontamination capacity in the state. The Battelle Critical Decontamination System arrived last weekend at the Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, and Battelle engineers began the assembly process. It is expected to be fully functional on Saturday, May 2.

The machine, which can decontaminate up to 83,000 N95 masks per day, will remain in New Mexico for six months. Battelle engineers will run the equipment at no cost to the state or to the agencies using it.

Workers in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and other frontline medical occupations should begin saving unsoiled N95 masks for decontamination right away. Those are the disposable masks that have been in short supply during the crisis and therefore reserved for frontline workers because of their ability to filter out virus-sized particles.

More information at


In a press release issued last week –

The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County will consider assuming the governance of Gila Regional Medical Center at a special meeting to be held at 9am TOMORROW, May 1.

Recent events have raised serious concerns regarding the financial viability and continuity of operations of the Gila Regional Medical Center. GRMC is a county-owned hospital that was established pursuant to New Mexico’s Hospital Funding Act. The stated purpose of the Act is to enable and encourage counties to provide appropriate and adequate hospital facilities for the sick in all geographic areas of the state.

The act provides counties broad powers to take necessary and expedient action to carry out this purpose.

Accordingly, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County will consider all available options to assist GRMC in the provision of much needed quality healthcare to the people of Grant County and its surrounding areas. Such options include revocation of the powers delegated to the hospital’s Board of Trustees and the retention of a professional healthcare management company to assess and remedy shortfalls in the leadership and management of GRMC. There are no plans to sell the hospital.

The meeting will take place in the Commission Meeting Room at the Grant County Administration Center located at 1400 Highway 180 East here in Silver City, with remote participation available. The agenda for this meeting may be altered up to seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting; copies can be obtained from the County Manager’s Office or viewed online at

Due to the Coronavirus Emergency declared by the governor and the limits on the number of persons gathering, except for essential functions, the meeting will be closed to the public. However, it may be viewed live on the County’s YouTube Channel or later as a recording on the County’s website at

Public input will be via email and comments must b e submitted prior to the meeting. Comments may be emailed to kh****@gr***********.gov, that’s k-h-u-b-b-s with Public Comment noted in the subject line. Comments will be read into the minutes.

For more information on this evolving story, visit the Silver City Daily Press website at


The Silver City Daily Press and Independent, with the generous support of PNM, and joined by the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce and the Silver City MainStreet Project, is proud to present the Support Silver Small Business auction, an 11-day online auction with the goal of supporting as many Grant County small businesses as possible during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic public health orders. Thanks to PNM, 100 percent of your purchase will go to the business creating each listing.

Visit to browse more than 80 items available for purchase. The auction closes on Friday, May 8.

Please visit our website at for all of today’s updates and additional resources.

And remember to send us your updates and questions — email us at co**************************@gm***.com or post on facebook @GilaMimbresCom munityRadio.

If you missed part of today’s show, Coronavirus Update is rebroadcast at 6pm and 8 am Monday through Friday and past shows are available 24/7 at

Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061