What is Underwriting?

Underwriting is the means by which your business or organization, or you as an individual, can reach the listenership of GMCR, to make them aware of your enterprise, its purpose, goods, services, features and contact information, as well as declaring your financial support for Community Radio. That support can be in the form of cash, goods, and/or services.

Why Underwrite?

In the commercial environment, “It pays to advertise” is a commonly accepted business philosophy.  On the non-commercial end of the spectrum, the equivalent to advertising is referred to as underwriting.

Underwriting enhances the image of businesses, organizations, and individuals by their association with Gila / Mimbres Community Radio and in turn, the station’s listeners, members and other supporters.

Underwriters are acknowledged and thanked by GMCR during non-commercial “underwriting announcements” on air and on the station’s website.

We would be happy to discuss all aspects of Underwriting GMCR with you, answer your questions and work out an appropriate and affordable underwriting program for your organization or business.”

Please contact un**********@gm**.org.

GMCR Guidelines for Underwriting Announcements

Because of the non-commercial nature of community radio, underwriting announcements are more respected by the public, and they also have stricter guidelines established by the FCC for their content.

  • Announcements are limited to 15 seconds

  • Any hour may have more than one underwriter

  • Announcements will be recorded by radio staff Announcements may include:

    • Name and address, phone number, or web address
    • Landmark ID (“Main & Broadway”)

    • Hours of operation

    • Value-neutral description of products and/or services

    • Number of years in business, or “in business since….”

    • Up to 2 brand names, value-neutral slogans, and/or brief personal notations.
      For example…

“GMCR is supported by Joe’s Auto Works, at 1500 Main Street in downtown Silver City. Their motto is:
‘We fix brakes so you can stop!’ Their phone number is 575.534.xxxx. They are open from 7am – 7pm”.

  • Acknowledgments may not include:
    • Comparative or qualitative language, i.e., friendly, largest, oldest, award-winning, etc.

    • Price information, i.e., on sale, affordable, free, discounts, etc.

    • Calls to action, i.e., give a call, stop by, etc.

    • Inducements to buy, sell, or lease.

    • Language that is clearly promotional in nature.

    •  Unnecessary and/or excessive repetition.

GMCR Underwriting Process

Underwriters may complete the contract form online and email it to un**********@gm**.org and a representative will send a reply upon receipt.
Payment may be made via PayPal (with or without a personal or business PayPal account) or by mailing a check to the radio station: 519 B North Bullard St. Silver City NM, 88061 or by dropping it off at the station through the mail slot.

Underwriters may reword or reschedule (subject to availability) once per month or by approval of the Station Manager.

GMCR’s Underwriting Representative will help the underwriter construct the message both for effectiveness and to assure compliance with FCC guidelines. The GMCR Station Manager will approve the message prior to broadcast to confirm compliance and that it will be well received by community radio listeners.

The Underwriting Representative will contact the underwriter about any changes and prior to expiration of the contract regarding renewal.

If you have any questions about Underwriting GMCR, please contact us at un**********@gm**.org and we will gladly answer them and help you through this process.

GMCR Underwriting Policies

Underwriting funds will be used for general operating expenses and not credited to any specific program, activity or event. Businesses and organizations may not underwrite their own program.

GMCR reserves the right to refuse contributions from any person, organization or business, as deemed appropriate, to maintain the integrity of our mission, promote and protect the interests of the station, the loyalty of our listeners, and the independence of our programming and editorial policies.
Please allow up to two weeks from receipt of announcements to initiation of underwriting spots.

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Examples of prices for each discount bracket:

  • Fewer than 15 @ $7.50: 1=$7.50, 14=$105
  • 15@6.75=$101.25
  • 16-30@$6.38: 16=$102.08, 30=$191.40
  • 31+@$6.00: 31=$186, 50=$300, 75=$450  

To submit your Underwriting form and pay using Paypal click here.

To submit your form and pay by check click here.


Each contract must be paid in-full at the time the contract is signed unless other arrangements are made in advance.

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061