Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – October 7, 2020

today7 October 2020 41

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Coronavirus updates for Grant County for Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Today on Coronavirus Update, co-producer Andrea Warner talks to Alexandra Tager, Program Coordinator for Western New Mexico University Department of Cultural Affairs, about how the Department of Cultural affairs has been affected by the pandemic, the changes that they have implemented to continue to support the arts in Grant County, and upcoming COVID-safe events hosted by the Cultural Affairs Department.

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila/Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to in**@gr**************************.org

NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Message from Grant County’s health care providers –video

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Grant County Coronavirus Update website –

Coronavirus Update is broadcast live on Gila/Mimbres Community Radio 89.1 FM Silver City on Wednesdays at Noon and rebroadcast Wednesdays at 6 pm and Thursdays at 8 am

Or listen to this episode at your convenience via this link…

The state Department of Health announced 316 additional cases of COVID-19 Tuesday. The newly reported cases were the second time in a week the state reported over 300 daily cases, and the eighth time overall since the start of the pandemic. 

This brought the number of total cases to 30,947, an increase of 1,790 cases  in the state since last week . The number of those hospitalized for COVID-19 reached 110, an increase of 13 since Monday’s announcement. This is the highest number since the state reported 111 hospitalizations on August 18. The numbers could include those from other locations who are hospitalized in New Mexico, but would not include New Mexico residents who are hospitalized out of state. 

The number of daily cases on a seven-day rolling average, continued to rise, and hit 193 as of Sept. 28, higher than the goal of 168 cases or fewer. There is a lag in reporting because some labs take longer to process and report totals to the state.

The rate of spread largely leveled off after rapid growth from early to mid-September, and stood at 1.24 as of Oct. 4—still much higher than at any time since the first few weeks of the pandemic. The state aims to keep the rate of spread at or below 1.05. The rate of spread is the number of people, on average, someone with COVID-19 will spread the disease to, and anything over 1 means the disease is spreading.

The test positivity rate remained below the goal of 5 percent, but continues to rise. As of Oct. 3, the test positive rate was 3.7 percent, the highest since early August.

In Grant County there have been 132 cases reported with 8 new cases since last week. There have been 6 reported recoveries since last week bringing that number to 53 recovered.   

For more information, visit


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new quarantine recommendations for individuals who are sick or might have been exposed to COVID-19.

  • People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 should stay home and quarantine unless they’ve already had COVID-19 within the past 3 months. 
  • You were in close contact if you were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more, 
  • you provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19, you had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them), 
  • you shared eating or drinking utensils, 
  • or IF someone sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you.

Get more information on how to safely quarantine at


  • Symptomatic people displaying the COVID-19 symptoms of cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and/or loss of taste or smell.
  • Asymptomatic people who are close contacts or household members of New Mexico residents who have already tested positive for the coronavirus;
  • Asymptomatic people who live or work in congregate settings such as detention centers and long-term care facilities;
  • Patients who are scheduled for surgery and whose provider has advised them to get tested before the procedure.

For more information on Covid testing and contact tracing in New Mexico go to 


The Grant County Public Health Office provides free testing every Tuesday from 8:00a.m. to 10:00a.m. and every Wednesday afternoon from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm. 

Appointments can be scheduled by registering on the following website: 

Once registered, you will receive a code. Please save this code and use it when making your appointment by calling: 575-538-5318 (ext. 4). The Grant County Public Health Office is located at 2610 N. Silver Street (across the street from the Swimming Pool).

CVS Pharmacy Drive-thru in Silver City is making Self-swab tests available to individuals meeting CDC criteria, in addition to state and age guidelines. Patients must register in advance at

Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) in Silver City is doing testing on weekdays except for Tuesday at their clinic at 1007 Pope Street in Silver City and at their Lordsburg clinic on weekdays except for Thursdays at 530 De Moss Street. Call 1-888-271-3596 for an appointment. 


The NM Department of Health urges all New Mexicans to get their annual flu shot – particularly if you are a member of one or more of the following groups:

  • People age 65 and older
  • Young children, especially those under 2 years old
  • American indian and alaska natives
  • People with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease
  • Pregnant women and up to 2 weeks postpartum
  • Morbidly obese persons

Flu vaccines are offered in many locations, including healthcare provider offices, pharmacies, hospitals, and public health offices, as well in some worksites and schools. The New Mexico Department of Health encourages those with health insurance to contact their healthcare provider or pharmacist about getting a flu vaccine. The Health Department offers vaccinations for people without insurance or who are otherwise not able to get vaccinated. Those with Medicaid or other insurance who go to Public Health Offices are asked to bring their insurance card.

 Additional information on the flu from the New Mexico Department of Health can be found at


The Food Pantry at the Gospel Mission located at 111 South Texas Street in Silver City is open for drive thru only on Wednesdays 8:30 am – 9:30 am. Emergency  Dry Food Boxes are available once a month to individuals upon request.   There is also a Daily soup kitchen: Breakfast takes place from 9:00-10:00 Mon-Fri and Lunch occurs every day from 12-1 pm. Showers and clothes are also made available to those in need.  Call 575 388-5071 for more information.

St. Francis Newman Center Food Pantry located at 914 W. 13th St. Silver City is open every Monday at 4 pm. Cash assistance for rent, utilities, bus passes and prescription drugs is also provided.  Call 575-388-4933 for more information.


The New Mexico Human Services Department announced that New Mexico households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will again receive the maximum amount for their household size for the month of October. 

Beginning in March 2020, SNAP households that were not already receiving the maximum SNAP benefit amount for their household size received an increase to their benefits to bring them to the maximum amount each month. These increases were made to help reduce food insecurity for New Mexicans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SNAP households will automatically receive the additional allotment in the same way they receive their current benefits. 

Individuals seeking to apply for SNAP benefits may apply online through or by phone at 1-800-283-4465. Newly approved SNAP recipients will be eligible for the supplemental benefit.


Silver City Farmers’ Market accepts EBT and Pandemic-EBT cards and offers Double Up Food Bucks to double your SNAP benefits. Use your EBT card and get half off all purchases. 

  • Saturdays 9 am — 12 pm at the corner of Pope St. and College Avenue in the old Life Quest parking lot
  • Wednesdays 9 am — 12 pm at Ace Hardware Parking Lot

Visit the website at


If life disruptions caused by coronavirus are having an emotional toll on you or someone you love, you are not alone– many more people are dealing with feelings of sadness and anxiety right now. The NM Crisis and Access Line is available any time, free and confidential. 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474)

 The Talk Helpline, 1-855-NMCRISIS, provides immediate assistance, referrals, and someone to talk to in times of overwhelming feelings. Professional counselor staff are trained to help people manage stress reactions, anxiety, dealing with loss and promoting positive coping activities, including those that help strengthen resilience.

More information at


It’s officially fall. When everything is pumpkin flavored and kids, and some adults, can’t wait to dress up for Halloween. This year is different but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the pumpkin carving, decorating or candy.

Visit to find recipes, arts and crafts ideas and other suggestions on how to celebrate Halloween safely.   

There will be virtual costume contests and winners will be announced on October 31st.  To join in the fun go to



It’s not too late to register to vote. This year the Grant County Clerk’s office and the Bayard Community Center are offering voter registration until October 31st. 

Those wishing to early vote may do so at The Grant County Clerk’s office

1400 Highway 180 East 

Silver City, NM 

October 6–30, M–F, 8 am–5 pm 

Sat. October 31, 8 am–5 pm 

Or at

Bayard Community Center 

290 Hurley Avenue 

Bayard, NM 

Sat. October 17, 9 am–6 pm 

Tues-Sat, October 20–31, 9 am–6 pm 

If you choose to vote absentee by mail, the application must be received in the clerk’s office no later than Tuesday, October 20, 2020.  You also have the option to apply for an absentee ballot online at

For all Grant County Voter information please visit the Grant County Clerk’s Website.  


Small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible for a State of New Mexico Small Business Continuity Grant. These grants cover expenses associated with rent, non-owner payroll, mortgage payments, insurance, utilities, and marketing.  

Also, covered are costs associated with COVID-19 reconfiguring.  For information regarding these grants and other help for your small business please call the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce at 575-538-3785.  

There are limited grants available, so complete your application for consideration today. 

The grant application with requirements and full details is available on the Silver City Grant county Chamber of Commerce website at


The New Mexico Tourism Department and New Mexico’s Small Business Development Center are joining forces to bring you a FREE virtual workshop focused on helping partners weather the COVID-19 storm. During this virtual event, business owners will:

  • Learn the projected short- and long-term economic scenarios for New Mexico’s tourism economy
  • Engage in open discussions with expert panelist for how to best manage existing capital, improve operations, and make decisions
  • Schedule 1:1 confidential consultations with SBDC’s Finance Development Team to develop the best strategy for your business, employees, and assets
  • Forecast the most beneficial outcomes for your business in response to the long-term economic effects of the pandemic

For more information and registration, visit


Western New Mexico University Department of Cultural Affairs presents COVID-safe Cultural Events in October:

  • Thursday, October 15, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Join local amateur and professional talent for a good time and live music. If you’re missing your community, this is a great way to connect.
  • Tuesday, October 27, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Live stream concert with Albuquerque-based Klezmer band  Duke City Hora “Live from Light Hall”

For information on how to participate in these events and more go to WNMU.EDU

Thank you for joining us on Coronavirus Update here on Gila/Mimbres Community Radio, KURU 89.1 FM, streaming online at

Please visit our website at for all of today’s updates, links to resources, as well as replays of today’s and past shows.

Please continue to visit our website,, for a clearinghouse of local, state and federal information and resources to help keep you, your family and our community safe in these times.

While you’re there, you can also join our mailing list to receive these updates via email.

And don’t forget that you can send us your updates via our new email address at in**@gr**************************.org or on facebook at grant county coronavirus update.

Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061