
Alternative Radio

today12 September 2012 85

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Alternative Radio is a weekly one-hour public affairs program providing information, analyses and views that are frequently ignored or distorted in other media.

From its inception in 1986 and currently, Alternative Radio’s founder and host – David Barsamian – gives voice to distinguished and internationally recognized journalists, activists, artists, analysts, authors and champions of civil society including, among hundreds of others,

Mumia Abu-Jamal, Philip Agee, Tariq Ali, Amiri Baraka, Ruben Blades, Julian Bond, Helen Caldicott, Juan Cole, Barbara Ehrenreich, Daniel Ellsberg, Robert Fisk, Carlos Fuentes, Al Gore, Glenn Greenwald, Denis Halliday, Tom Hayden, Chris Hedges, Seymour Hersh, Molly Ivins, Chalmers Johnson,  Martin Luther King, Michael Klare, Naomi Klein, George Lakoff, Frances Moore Lappe, Manning Marable, Ray McGovern, Bill McKibben, Russell Means, Bill Moyers, Ralph Nader, Greg Palast, Arundhati Roy, Robert Scheer, Daniel Schorr, Bobby Seale, Al Sharpton, Vandana Shiva, Joseph Stiglitz, I. F. Stone, Studs Terkel, Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut and Cornel West.

Add to these his numerous interviews with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky.

“…a ray of light in the media darkness featuring voices of proposals to strengthen our democracy.” — Ralph Nader

“David Barsamian is the Studs Terkel of our generation.” — Howard Zinn

Visit their website – – to see and hear their current programs and extensive archives.

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today12 September 2012 48

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