Earth Matters

233 Results / Page 8 of 26


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / War and The Gila

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project executive director Allyson Siwik discusses the proposed military overflights over the Gila region with Karen Sullivan, retired US Fish and Wildlife Service biologist and founder of West Coast Action Alliance, Nathan Newcomer, Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Grassroots Organizer with the NM Wilderness Alliance, and Larry McDaniel, board member with Conservation Voters NM and avid sportsman. Karen Sullivan retired from the US […]

today22 October 2017 58


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Gila River Festival – Wynona LaDuke

Earth Matters presents indigenous author, activist, and farmer Wynona LaDuke giving the keynote address at the 13th Annual Gila River Festival at the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theater, September 22, 2017. We apologize for technical difficulties with audio during her presentation which was approximately 90 minutes.  Part 2 of her address will be available here when post-production is completed. Earth Matters is broadcast Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday at 10am and […]

today10 October 2017 128


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Judy Calman

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Grassroots Coordinator for The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Nathan Newcomer, interviews Judy Calman, staff attorney for NM Wild, on the recent and continuing litigation in support of Mexican Gray Wolf recovery efforts. Earth Matters is broadcast Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday at 10am and Thursday at 8pm. Or listen at your convenience via this link... Earth Matters / Judy Calman

today3 October 2017 79


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Active Hope with Shirley Pevarnik

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project executive director Allyson Siwik talks to ecotheologian Shirley Pevarnik about "Active Hope". A student and long-time friend of Thomas Berry, the father of ecological spirituality, Shirley has studied Creation Spirituality at Naropa University, the University of Arizona, Holy Cross Center for Ecology and Spirituality, California Institute of Integral Studies, and the University of Creation Spirituality. Along with colleague Pamela Morgan, Shirley will […]

today5 September 2017 128


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / No Boots, No Beds, No Wall

Donna Stevens of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance interviews Johana Bencomo of NM CAFé, or Comunidades en Acción y de Fé, and Kevin Bixby from the Southwest Environment Center on the social and environmental impacts of US border and immigration policy. One of the Trump administration’s first actions was to begin the deportation of immigrants, destabilizing border communities and creating a climate of fear. Trump is also charging ahead with […]

today29 August 2017 70


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Denise Fort

Earth Matters co-producer and GRIP executive director Allyson Siwik talks to environmental and water law attorney Denise Fort about progress toward environmental sustainability, including climate change, water issues and defending the EPA. Denise has an extensive background in environmental and natural resources law - 40 years of practice, politics, reflecting and writing about policies, all animated by a belief that society must turn toward a more sustainable relationship with its […]

today15 August 2017 59


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Michael Robinson

On this week’s program, Donna Stevens of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance talks with Michael Robinson of the Center for Biological Diversity about Mexican gray wolves, the most endangered carnivore in North America. The Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program, which began in 1998, is nowhere near achieving its goal of recovering the species, and may in fact be moving in the direction of extinction. Lack of genetic diversity, too few […]

today1 August 2017 90


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Madeleine Carey

On this week’s program, join Donna Stevens of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance for a conversation with Madeleine Carey of WildEarth Guardians on issues with major impacts on our public lands. The euphemistically named "Wildlife Services” is a federal agency that historically and presently uses your tax dollars to kill wildlife on public lands - including birds, mountain lions, bears, coyotes, and wolves - in service to farming and ranching […]

today11 July 2017 58


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Alicia Edwards

Earth Matters co-producer Nathan Newcomer speaks with newly elected Grant County Commissioner and Director of Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Executive Director, Alicia Edwards. Earth Matters is broadcast Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday at 10am and Thursday at 8pm. Or listen at your convenience via this link... Earth Matters / Alicia Edwards

today8 June 2017 81

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061