El Refugio

6 Results / Page 1 of 1

El Refugio has provided services and shelter to victims of Domestic Violence and their families for more than 29 years and by being present to educate, to counsel, to protect and to advocate for them has averted untold human misery and suffering.

GMCR is proud to partner with El Refugio in support of their work and we launch our collaboration with them during October – which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month – with a series of programs titled “Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence.”

The program is webcast on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at approximately 6:30 or 6:45 – the programs that precede it have variable lengths from week to week..

El Refugio

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 5

This is the 5th in El Refugio's Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence series to acknowledge October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this final installment, we hear from Deputy Steve Reese, Sam Lowen a retired hospital technician who has seen the victims of domestic violence for decades, John Carter on the staff of El Refugio and Ken Cooper - longtime El Refugio supporter.  As the other men that spoke […]

today11 November 2012 88

El Refugio

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 4

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and El Refugio continues with the fourth in a series of programs titled Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. In this week's installment Kevin Flamm, Angel Torres, Albert Davalos, Ricky Villalobos and Gabriel Ramos raise their voices to oppose this terrible and all too common occurrence and ask that you stand with them and do the same to create a united front against this scourge. […]

today5 November 2012 92

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 3

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and El Refugio continues with the third in a series of programs titled Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. In this week's installment Eugene Bustillos, Sheriff Raul Villanueva and County Prosecutor George Zsoka convey some of the harrowing and all too common accounts of deomestic violence and it's enduring and often crippling aftermath. Others in the series are figures well known in the community […]

today29 October 2012 116

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 2

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and El Refugio continues with the second in a series of programs titled Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. Justin Cano, Justin Wecks, Luis Terrazas and Andy Anderson stand and speak out.  These men are from the fields of education, business and social services as well as a young man who has witnessed this horror first hand in his family. Others in the series […]

today25 October 2012 107

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence – Ron Hall

The recordings in this series are of men in our community that have come forward to stand and Speak Out Against Domestic Violence.  Some are figures well known in the community for their ongoing civic commitments, some have held elective office,  deal with DV first hand as law enforcement officers and others are simply citizens, residents, neighbors, family or friends that have seen the pernicious effect of this all too […]

today14 October 2012 86

Community Partners

Protected: El Refugio / mso

Hi Maria and All, Here are the other recordings.  Silly me, got so excited about starting the series that I overwrote the others on the Ron Hall page. Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence - Ron Hall / 7:47 We have about an hour total - including Ron Hall.  Since some of them are fairly short, I'd suggest we group them to make 4 more programs - roughly 12 minutes […]

today10 October 2012 40

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061