Community Partners

11 Results / Page 1 of 2

Gila / Mimbres Community Radio is proud to work in support of other community organizations, non-profits and individuals seeking to improve the quality of life in Grant County and we welcome their interest in and support of GMCR.

GMCR sees community radio not just as an end in itself but as a valuable tool and asset that can be utilized by others to address and advance projects of interest and benefit to the community.

Thus, GMCR has begun working with Community Partners to both seek and provide support for a number of community issues and initiatives. Some of their current and recent activities will be noted on their respective pages with mention of how GMCR has helped in advancing their mission and service to others.

As we progress, we will develop more relationships and support more community issues of immediate and continuing interest. In the meantime, we have begun working in cooperation with the following organizations…

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 3

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and El Refugio continues with the third in a series of programs titled Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. In this week's installment Eugene Bustillos, Sheriff Raul Villanueva and County Prosecutor George Zsoka convey some of the harrowing and all too common accounts of deomestic violence and it's enduring and often crippling aftermath. Others in the series are figures well known in the community […]

today29 October 2012 116

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 2

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and El Refugio continues with the second in a series of programs titled Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. Justin Cano, Justin Wecks, Luis Terrazas and Andy Anderson stand and speak out.  These men are from the fields of education, business and social services as well as a young man who has witnessed this horror first hand in his family. Others in the series […]

today25 October 2012 105


Community Partners

Earth Matters / George Farmer

This week’s show is about ecologically sustainable living. Our guest is George Farmer. George and his wife, Linda Zatopek, are modern day environmental pioneers learning how to live lightly on the earth while sharing their firsthand knowledge and experience with others. In 2006, they established Axle Canyon Preserve and Retreat, a remote 83-acre preserve in the Burro Mountains of the Gila National Forest. Climate scientists predict that the American Southwest […]

today23 October 2012 92


Community Partners

Earth Matters / Michael Robinson & Jaguar Critical Habitat

Environmental Challenges are legion but some are more obscure than others. A particularly poignant case is the matter of the jaguar in Southwest New Mexico. Hunted to a point approaching extermination, they have maintained themselves in the southern part of their historical range... a range that once spanned from coast to coast and well north of the US-Mexico border. Michael Robinson of the Center for Biological Diversity has been fighting […]

today16 October 2012 149

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence – Ron Hall

The recordings in this series are of men in our community that have come forward to stand and Speak Out Against Domestic Violence.  Some are figures well known in the community for their ongoing civic commitments, some have held elective office,  deal with DV first hand as law enforcement officers and others are simply citizens, residents, neighbors, family or friends that have seen the pernicious effect of this all too […]

today14 October 2012 85

Community Partners

Protected: El Refugio / mso

Hi Maria and All, Here are the other recordings.  Silly me, got so excited about starting the series that I overwrote the others on the Ron Hall page. Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence - Ron Hall / 7:47 We have about an hour total - including Ron Hall.  Since some of them are fairly short, I'd suggest we group them to make 4 more programs - roughly 12 minutes […]

today10 October 2012 40

Community Partners

Casa de la Cultura – Greenhouse Workshop

Casa is Happy to Announce A Free Hands-on Workshop! Construction of a High Hoop Greenhouse We will build an inexpensive 16’x32’ (500+ sq. ft.) greenhouse able to stand up to NM winds in one day! The workshop will be led by Del Jimenez, NMSU’s Cooperative Extension Services resident expert in greenhouse construction, with support from Grant Co. Extension Service.  Download the flyer here. When this workshop is over, you will […]

today16 April 2012 62

Community Partners

PFLAG Disco Dance Party! / 31 Mars 2012

Yo!  Word Up! Boogie on down to the Buffalo Bar in Beautiful Downtown Silver City on (when else?) SATURDAY NIGHT!  31 Mars 2012 While the event "begins" at 9pm, why wait?  Doors open at 8pm when A Disco Dance Clinic and Lesson will be offered to sharpen the precision of creaky untested moves from previous decades.  Brush up on those sensational steps and get warmed up for the serious action […]

today6 March 2012 121

Community Partners

Casa de la Cultura

Check out this upcoming free event - There will be a youth workshop taking place Saturday 19 November 2011 from 10am to noon at the Bellm House of Santa Clara Catholic Church. Christmas in a Coffee Can - With Worms! Participation is limited to 30 so don't dally!  Call 575.519.9738 for free registration. A PDF of the flyer with additional details is available here.  Print some out and pass some […]

today4 November 2011 82

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061