Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – May 1, 2020

today1 May 2020 40

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Coronavirus updates for Grant County for Friday, May 1, 2020.  Our guest today on Coronavirus Update is Nick Seibel, publisher of the Silver City Daily Press and Independent, about their efforts to support local businesses during the COVID-19 crisis.

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila-Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to co**************************@gm***.com

NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Message from Grant County’s health care providers – video

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Coronavirus Update Resource Page –

CVU is broadcast live weekdays at Noon and
rebroadcast following Democracy Now! at 6pm and 8am

Or listen to this episode at your convenience via this link…
CVU / Coronavirus Update – May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020 – Updates as of 10 am – Please note: Because we are producing this show remotely, these updates are current as of 10 am. Information on this page can change quickly, including Coronavirus Updates from previous days. Please visit to see the latest updates.

As of Today – Friday , May 1 – 3,411 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in New Mexico, with 123 deaths, 172 hospitalized individuals, and 760 recoveries according to the New Mexico Department of Health.

Grant County currently has 14 positive cases of coronavirus. In total, 67,869 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the state, and 500 have been conducted in Grant County.

For a full breakdown of COVID-19 cases by county and demographic information, visit the state’s COVID-19 data dashboard at:


New Mexico state leadership on Thursday announced the extension of the state’s emergency public health order through May 15 as the COVID-19 pandemic remains a grave risk to residents of all ages and in all communities across New Mexico.

Despite continued spread, New Mexico as a state has begun to flatten the curve, purchasing much-needed time to ramp up our healthcare system. Because of that hard work, we are entering the “Preparation Phase” for gradual, safe re-openings. With that objective, the amended public health order relaxes several restrictions to begin relieving economic pressure.

However, physical distancing must be maintained to assure the spread of the virus is stunted in every part of the state.

The amended public health order, effective at 8 a.m. today, maintains the directive that New Mexicans remain at home except for outings essential to health, safety and welfare. The amended order similarly maintains that gatherings of more than five individuals are prohibited. Restaurants and dine-in outlets may provide only curbside and delivery service, as before. Grocers and other essential retail services must continue to operate at only 20 percent of their maximum capacity as determined by fire code.

The order allows for partial re-openings for business operations deemed non-essential to health, safety and welfare.

Non-essential retailers, beginning today, may provide curbside pickup and delivery services if permitted by their business license. Child care may now be extended to people operating non-essential businesses.

Additional changes include:​

  • State parks may reopen on a modified day-use-only basis, as staff is available. Camping and visitor centers are still closed.
  • Federally licensed firearm retailers may open by appointment only as needed to conduct background checks and to allow individuals to take possession of firearms ordered online.
  • Golf courses may open to golf only – no dine-in or retail service.
  • Pet services – including adoption, grooming, daycare and boarding – are permitted to operate.
  • Veterinarians are permitted to operate.
  • A separate public health order allows polling locations to open with limits for the state’s June 2nd primary election. The order says no more than four voters or 20 percent of capacity may be inside a polling place at a time; mobile voting units may have no more than two voters at a time.

You can read the full text of the public health order at

Gila/Mimbres Community Radio’s Jamie Newton talked to U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich yesterday about the balance between reopening the state while also protecting public health. Let’s take a listen

SENATOR MARTIN HEINRICH Q AND A – Listen to audio recording of today’s show at link above.


The Grant County Food Pantry at the Commons will hold its next food distribution tomorrow from 10 am until noon For all the folks in zip codes 88061, 88065, 88022, 88053.The food pantry will be held at The Commons at 501 E. 13th Street. It’s DRIVE-THRU only, so please line up on Swan Street, facing South, and prepare to turn Right on 13th Street, the corner where Knights of Columbus is located. Once you are in front of The Commons, volunteers will get your info and place a food box in your vehicle. Bring your food pantry card or a picture ID and separate proof of physical address.


The Silver City Farmers’ Market will be held this Saturday, May 2 from 10am-1 pm at the corner of Pope St. and College Avenue in the old Life Quest parking lot. Cash and EBT is accepted with DOUBLE UP FOOD BUCKS to double your benefits for fresh fruits and vegetable purchases. Fresh local produce, including micro-greens and hothouse tomatoes, root vegetables, and new seasonal produce every week, as well as Grass-fed meats, baked goods, tortillas, and tamales. Shoppers are asked to please keep a physical distance of 6 feet while lining up and to disperse immediately after shopping to comply with social distancing guidance. More information at

Please visit our website at for all of today’s updates and additional resources.

And remember to send us your updates and questions — email us at co**************************@gm***.com or post on facebook @GilaMimbresCom munityRadio.

If you missed part of today’s show, Coronavirus Update is rebroadcast at 6pm and 8 am Monday through Friday and past shows are available 24/7 at

Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061