Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – May 6, 2020

today6 May 2020 45

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Coronavirus updates for Grant County for Wednesday, May 6 2020.  Our guest today on Coronavirus Update is Lillian Galloway, Assistant Director of the Silver City Public Library and she’ll be talking to Alicia Edwards about how you can stay engaged or become engaged with the library during the Covid-19 pandemic 

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila-Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to co**************************@gm***.com

NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Message from Grant County’s health care providers – video

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Coronavirus Update Resource Page –

CVU is broadcast live weekdays at Noon and
rebroadcast following Democracy Now! at 6pm and 8am

Or listen to this episode at your convenience via this link…
CVU / Coronavirus Update – May 6, 2020

As of Today – Wednesday, May 6-  4,138  people have tested positive for COVID-19 in New Mexico, with 162 deaths,  178  hospitalized individuals, and 964 recoveries according to the New Mexico Department of Health. 

Grant County has 15 positive cases of coronavirus.

In total, 83,251 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the state, with 615 having been conducted in Grant County.

For a full breakdown of COVID-19 cases by county and demographic information, visit the state’s COVID-19 data dashboard at:

At her press conference yesterday, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham urged New Mexicans to continue social distancing. 

Avoiding person-to-person contact is the only way to stop the spread of COVID-19.  She explained that every single illness is a risk and every single death is a tragedy. She reminded New Mexicans that it is up to each one of us: 

Until there is a vaccine, New Mexicans’ personal decisions will determine when it’s safe to fully reopen.  She encouraged New Mexicans to quote “Stay the course. Stay in your bubble. Do not give in, do not give up.” End quote

As a reminder — New Mexicans who report symptoms of COVID-19 infection, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath, are advised to call their health care provider or the COVID-19 hotline immediately at 1-855-600-3453

New Mexicans who have non-health-related questions or concerns can call the Coronavirus Information Hotline at 833-551-0518 or visit, which is being updated regularly as a one-stop source for information for families, workers and others affected by and seeking more information about COVID-19.

More information is available at


Also mentioned in her press conference yesterday, the governor urged business owners to begin preparing for the first phase of reopening New Mexico while the state continues to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Department of Health Secretary Kathyleen Kunkel has amended the state public health emergency order clarifying some of the steps businesses must take in order to operate. 

Beginning today, all grocery and retail spaces that are greater than 50,000 square feet in size, and all restaurants currently operating curbside and delivery service will be required to ensure that all employees have at least cloth face coverings. All employees must wear their face coverings in the workplace at all times when in the presence of others.

Beginning Monday, May 11, all essential businesses of any size currently operating under the public health order must also comply with the face covering requirement. All employers are strongly encouraged to acquire the face coverings for all employees over the next week, in preparation for a potential Phase One reopening in mid-May. Otherwise they may not be able to operate in compliance with state requirements.

Retailers will not be required to provide face coverings for customers but are encouraged to post signage strongly encouraging customers to wear their own masks. Retailers at their own discretion may require customers to wear masks. 

The administration has issued a set of COVID-safe practices for all employers and an additional set for all retailers. Other COVID-safe requirements and best practices specific to other industries are under development.

The governor last week extended her stay-at home order to May 15, with modifications allowing some limited, additional retail and recreational opportunities. However, further reopening will depend on businesses and individuals doing their part to keep their neighbors safe in order to meet reopening criteria.

More information is available at 


New Mexico families will receive more than $97 million in additional food benefits – enough to feed about 245,000 vulnerable children — following federal approval of a Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program submitted to the US Dept. of Agriculture by the NM health and human services department and the public education department.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards are used like debit cards to buy groceries. Pandemic-EBT assistance will be deposited directly to existing EBT cards for families already receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits.

New Mexico households with children who receive free or reduced-price meals will receive benefits of $5.70 per child, per day for the 70-day period from March 16, 2020 when public schools were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, through June 19, 2020. New Mexico households can receive Pandemic-EBT as well as continue to receive food distributions from their child’s school site.

March, April, and May benefits will be issued in mid to late May, and Pandemic-EBT benefits will continue to be issued through June 19, the average date of normal public school closures.

The program will also benefit families that did not previously qualify for free or reduced-price meals but may now qualify due to changes in their household’s circumstances as a result of the restrictions implemented for non-essential businesses because of the COVID-19 response. 

To apply for benefits, contact your school district food service office. If determined eligible, your children will receive Pandemic-EBT, and the benefit will be issued for the month determined eligible through June.

More information at


New Mexico’s 2020 Primary Election will take place on June 2, less than a month away

If you are registered with a major political party in New Mexico (Democratic, Republican, Libertarian) then you are eligible to vote in the 2020 Primary Election.

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver and the state’s County Clerks are encouraging all voters to vote with an absentee ballot.

Casting your vote with an absentee ballot is safe and secure and will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the number of people at polling places during the 2020 Primary Election.

All New Mexico voters registered with a major political party will have an absentee ballot application mailed to them. You can also apply for your absentee ballot online at or through your County Clerk. (NOTE: If you have already applied for an absentee ballot, no further action is required of you.)

Voters should complete their absentee ballot application and return it to their County Clerk using the postage paid mailer as soon as possible, but no later than May 28, 2020. This is the last day voters can submit an absentee ballot application for the 2020 Primary Election.

You will then receive your ballot for the 2020 Primary Election in the mail from your County Clerk. Complete your ballot and return it in the postage paid envelope in the mail or drop it off with your County Clerk before 7:00pm on June 2, 2020.

You can track the status of your application and your ballot at By logging into NMVOTE.ORG, you can confirm whether your application has been received by your County Clerk, whether or not your ballot has been mailed to you, and whether or not your ballot has been received back by the County Clerk.

If you have questions, you can contact Grant County Clerk Marisa Castrillo at 575-574-0042. 

Further information about voting and elections, can be found at NMVOTE.ORG or through the Grant County Clerk’s office at

Please visit our website at for all of today’s updates and additional resources.

And remember to send us your updates and questions — email us at co**************************@gm***.com or post on facebook @GilaMimbresCom munityRadio.  

If you missed part of today’s show, Coronavirus Update is rebroadcast at 6pm and 8 am Monday through Friday and past shows are available 24/7 at

Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061