Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Mariel Nanasi

today25 May 2017 81

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Earth Matters co-producer and GRIP Executive Director Allyson Siwik is joined by Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director of New Energy Economy to discuss the
100% Renewables Campaign and efforts to transition to clean energy.

Download and distribute the PDFOur global community faces a future of catastrophic climate change if we continue on our current path and do not reduce our carbon emissions immediately. With the loss of federal policies to implement the goals outlined in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, such as the Trump administration’s repeal of Obama’s Clean Power Plan and other climate policies, many states have picked up the torch to transition to clean energy. Mariel Nanasi and New Energy Economy are leading the charge here in NM for 100% renewable energy.

New Energy Economy is a non-profit advocacy group based in Santa Fe that works to build a carbon-free energy future for our health and environment.

100% Renewables Campaign Launch The Urgency of Now: A Path to Justice Monday, June 5th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, UU Fellowship Hall 3845 N Swan St. Silver City.

Earth Matters is broadcast
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday at 10am and Thursday at 8pm.

Or – when podcast post-production is completed – listen at your convenience via this link…
Earth Matters / Mariel Nanasi

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061