News @ Noon

News @ Noon / 22 October 2012

today22 October 2012 96

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Welcome to News @ Noon for Monday 22 October 2012 brought to you by Gila / Mimbres Community Radio in a community media collaboration with The Grant County Beat – your daily newspaper for up-to-date information about Grant County.

News @ Noon airs daily at noon and is rebroadcast at 6pm.
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Archaeology Day Hike Held at Fort Bayard
Created on Sunday, 21 October 2012 14:10

To celebrate National Archaeology Day, Marilyn Markel of the Grant County Archaeological Society took a group of about a dozen hikers on the Dragonfly Trail Sunday morning.

Along the way, the participants stopped at a Civilian Conservation Corps check dam built in the 1930s. Although some has washed away, large parts of it remain intact.

Also visited were the ruins of a Mimbres Pueblo Ruin, where several of the hikers spotted tiny pottery sherds.

The main destination was the dragonfly petroglyphs found along Twin Sisters Creek.

P.E.O. Chapters Raise Money for Scholarships
Created on Sunday, 21 October 2012 14:43

Silver City P.E.O. chapters BR and AG collaborated to hold a purse auction fundraiser to raise money for scholarships for women of any age to further their education.  The proceeds went to the PEO Foundation in Nancy Champlin’s name. Champlin is serving as state P.E.O. president.

Acknowledgement went to members of the Deming Chapter who were in attendance.  They suggested the idea to Silver City chapters.

In addition to selling tickets to the purse auction and auctioning off the purses filled with goodies, other fundraising activities included many items on the silent auction tables, as well as the annual pecan sales.

Great Lakes Airlines Announces New Schedule into and out of Silver City
Created on Friday, 19 October 2012 18:07

Note change of destination. At this point, as of Dec. 1, no flights to or from Albuquerque are scheduled.

Silver City to Phoenix
Departs:      Arrives:              Frequency:             Flight #:
8:45a             9:50a                 Mon-Fri                  7307
2:45p            3:50p                  Saturday                 7308
5:45p            6:50p                  Sun-Fri                   7308

Phoenix to Silver City                                                                                                                                                               Departs:      Arrives:              Frequency:             Flight #:
7:30a             8:35a                 Mon-Fri                  7307
1:30p            2:35p                  Saturday                 7308
4:30p            5:35p                  Sun-Fri                   7308

Clarification No. 2 on Voter Convenience Centers
Created on Thursday, 18 October 2012 09:56

On Election Day, any registered voter in Grant County will receive a ballot reflecting the precinct in which he or she is registered at SIX of the convenience centers, those in Silver City—The Woman’s Club and the Grant County Business and Conference Center— as well as the Tyrone Community Center, the National Guard Armory, Bayard Community Center and Hurley Community Center that will be open that day.

Farther out in the county, traditional sites for Election Day include: Cliff School, Redrock Church, Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire Department, Sapillo VFD, San Lorenzo Elementary School, Mule Creek Community Center and Hachita Baptist Church.

Marissa Castrillo, Bureau of Elections Manager at the Clerk’s Office, gave an example. If someone is from Gila, and is in Silver City shopping that day and cannot make it back to Cliff to vote, that person may vote at any of the SIX convenience centers and will receive a ballot printed on the computer reflecting that person’s precinct.

The outlying locations are not connected to the same computers as the ones in and around Silver City and in the three Mining District locations, so those who live in the outlying districts will be voting a traditional ballot based on the precincts consolidated into that voting venue.

Anyone from outside the precincts included in that polling place, who votes at an outlying location will be provided a provisional ballot, and will be able to vote only for those for whom he or she is eligible to vote by precinct location.

Castrillo said provisional ballots will be canvassed the morning of November 7, and will be counted.

She also said safeguards are in place to prevent people from voting twice, whether they voted early, absentee or try to vote twice on Election Day at two different locations.

GSFWC Members Discuss Regional Water Plan
Created on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 20:09

The Gila/San Francisco Water Commission met in regular session on 16 October.

Gerald Schultz, representing New Mexico Resource Conservation and Development activities, asked what the status was on absenteeism from the commission meetings.

Chairman Vance Lee said it had been taken care of since the last meeting, with letters sent out to those not attending.

Under new business, Lee addressed the need for representation on the recovery team for the spikedace and loach minnow.

He reported that Anthony Gutierrez, representing Grant County on GSFWC, had been named to the team.

Gutierrez reported the first meetings would be held October 29 in Springerville, Ariz., but he had no other details.

The second item of new business was to discuss support of a Regional Water Plan resolution.

Tom Bates, vice chairman and representing Deming and the Luna Soil and Water Conservation District, said in the members’ packets should be a draft of the resolution to support state legislation allocating $400,000 to update the regional water plans for the 16 regions in the state.  The resolution includes a recurring budget. Approval of the allocation would give the $400,000 to the Interstate Stream Commission to support the updates to four regional plans a year.

Lee said he had received some interest for having GSFWC to head up the updating for its region.

The resolution was approved.

Under old business, Lee asked if anything new had come out of the ISC input committee that is reviewing projects to use the Arizona Water Settlements Act 14,000 annual average acre-feet of water from the Gila and San Francisco rivers and the $66 million up to $128 million.

Gutierrez, who represents Grant County on the input committee, said the group had a meeting two weeks ago in Glenwood.

“We had a presentation from Catron County, with the changes they want to make the project better.” Gutierrez said. “The ISC was receptive. They also requested an increase of funding for watershed treatment, but they thought the county could come up with additional funding from other sources. The next meeting of the input committee is in November.”

Billy Webb, representing the San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District, who also attended the input committee meeting, said Catron County asked for changes because of the Whitewater-Baldy Fire this summer.

Gutierrez said Catron County also introduced the concept of infiltration galleries because ash has sealed some of the ditches. The county proposed using infiltration galleries and pipelines to be used for irrigation.

“The funding is coming from the ISC, not the AWSA funding,” Gutierrez clarified.

The next GSFWC meeting is slated for 9am on Tuesday, 20 November in Silver City at the Grant County Administration Center.

This was an extensive meeting and we suggest you visit Grant County Beat for the full article.



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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061