Welcome to News @ Noon for Monday 30 July 2012 brought to you by Gila / Mimbres Community Radio in a landmark community media collaboration with The Grant County Beat – your daily newspaper for up-to-date information about Grant County.
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Watershed Opportunity for Historic Waterworks Building
presented at Town Council Meeting
Created on Thursday, 26 July 2012 19:52
By Charlie McKee
In the Town of Silver City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, July 24, Nancy Gordon continued efforts in her one-woman crusade to save the Waterworks Building, a Silver City landmark on Little Walnut Road, built in 1887 and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984.
During the Public Input portion of the meeting, Gordon presented her plea to the Mayor and Town Council to allocate funds in the 2012-2013 fiscal year budget to replace the roof of the Waterworks Building. She cited numerous problems, including a rotting support beam for the skylight and massive leaks due to neglect and decay, which will lead to imminent collapse of the roof – and subsequently the building – if not corrected quickly. While the cost of a new roof, as approved by the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, is estimated to be $50,000, Gordon announced that a potential donor is willing to match Town funding for half the cost.
Public support of the mission to preserve the Waterworks Building, which supplied Silver City’s water from the 1880s to the 1960s, is evidenced by the impressive volunteer effort put forth by Silver City residents to save this Town icon. Gordon stated that more than 80 volunteers had logged more than 1,300 hours in shoring up the stone walls by painstakingly re-pointing the mortar. This effort resulted in the Town of Silver City and Nancy Gordon’s receiving the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division’s awards for “Community Preservation Planning” earlier this year and achieving national recognition.
Cobre School Board hears about Accountability Report
Created on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 20:07
By Margaret Hopper
The July 23 session of the Cobre school board was called to order by president Frank Cordova at 7:05 p.m. As Ralph Sepulveda was available by phone and the other four members were physically present, Cordova declared all members present. Cordova said the board had discussed limited personnel, hiring and budget.
The Accountability Report that was not included last meeting was discussed by assistant superintendent Carrillo and state Sen. Howie Morales. Attendees were given handouts of the state’s grading for all six schools in the district and Morales presented slides to show points he considered relevant about the nature of the new A-F grading system.
Both Morales and Carrillo said there were deficiencies in the new system and Carrillo said all the state scorings were being appealed. Morales said he wanted to know if the model was accurate and consistent. He learned that the formula used in January was not the formula used in the July assessments. They changed, making it hard to compare facts. He mentioned that students must be 95 percent there on the test days or there would be an automatic drop of grade, and that schools were expected to make gains annually.
Louis Baum asked if there were significant drops because of funding more for succeeding schools over non-succeeding. Morales said there didn’t appear to be ties to achievement. He also said it would be useless to rush about changing present ways of teaching before the changes were finished in the implementation of the new regulations.
Get Down to Earth Yoga at the Silver City Clay Festival
Created on Friday, 27 July 2012 07:23
Silver City, NM — July 27, 2012 — Free yoga sessions will be held as part of the Silver City Clay Festival August 3 to 5. Cordelia Rose, founder of Glenwood Yoga, will lead the sessions. Everyone is welcome, including those with no experience. Bring your own yoga mat or borrow one at the session.
On Saturday, August 4, at 10 am and 4 pm, the yoga sessions will be held at the Community Garden on 6th Street at Big Ditch Park behind Bear Creek Herbs. The first hour will be easy poses and relaxation, followed by an optional 30 minutes of more advanced poses.
On Sunday, August 5, the session will be held from 9 am to 10:30 am at Bear Mountain Lodge on Bear Mountain Ranch Road, off Cottage San Road. www.bearmountainlodge.com. Ms. Rose will combine Hatha yoga with a classic labyrinth and will lead an easy and relaxing session around and inside the Salt Lick Labyrinth.
The Silver City Clay Festival is the brainchild of Lee Gruber, who is the co-owner of Syzygy Tileworks for 18 years. Gruber says that “the practice of yoga reconnects us to our roots, to mother earth.”
REMINDER: It’s not too late to sign up for Festival Workshops! Call (575) 538-5560 to register or log on to www.clayfestival.com.
For additional information on Cordelia Rose visit wmlabyrinths.com
View the full article at Grant County Beat
SWNMCOG lead applicant for NMCOG application
Created on Monday, 30 July 2012 16:34
Priscilla Lucero, Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments director, told the Beat the COGs in New Mexico, with the SWNMCOG being the lead applicant, are working together to apply to the federal Economic Development Administration for funding to develop a statewide comprehensive economic development strategy.
“We are requesting $89,000 and the COGs will match that amount, along with other state partners, ” Lucero said.
She said planning was already underway, when New Mexico State University professor Jim Peach made the recommendation at a recent Interim Legislative Finance Committee meeting.
Mail-out ballot will address funding for Central Dispatch
Created on Thursday, 26 July 2012 14:14
The purpose of a ballot, a mail-out ballot that will be sent out toward the end of August into the first of September, is critical to every resident of Grant County. The one item on the ballot will address the need to re-authorize the 1/8 gross receipts tax increment to fund Central Dispatch, its operating expenses, including salaries and benefits, as well as computers, office supplies, equipment maintenance and utilities, such as Internet connections, telephone, electrical and water.
The ballot must be returned by 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 18, by mail or dropped off at the Grant County Clerk’s Office.
If the tax increment, which is less than a penny on every dollar you purchase and pay in gross receipts tax, sunsets on Dec. 31, 2012, emergency services and law enforcement will likely be dispatched through Lordsburg or Las Cruces, adding confusion and time to the minutes of response to what can be a life-or-death situation.
Central Dispatch also records all calls for legal reasons and is the central depository for warrants for Grant County courts, in hard copy and in digital form, using computer-aided dispatch.
The CAD, as computer-aided dispatch is called, is a web portal to the National Crime Information Center for driver’s license and criminal history information, among other things. The CAD is not connected to the phone, but only to the Internet.
The 1/8 increment GRT has been funding operating expenses for Central Dispatch for 10 years. It is not a new tax. The ballot seeks reauthorization of the tax to continue funding 911 for the future.
“Once the tax is passed this time, it will stay in place until a vote takes place not to have the tax,” Jean Fortenberry, Central Dispatch director, said. “By statute, we are allowed to charge up to a ¼ increment, but the 1/8 has been adequate. Up until the mines closed, dispatch was always in the black, but we’ve been in the red since then, and the city and the county have had to make up the shortfall.”
Visit Grant County Beat for the full article as there are a number of additional details on the bill and dispatch operations.
That concludes today’s edition of News @ Noon presented by GMCR and with thanks to The Grant County Beat for their permission to provide you with this report. We invite you to join us daily for the latest updates.
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A Voice & A Choice for Grant County