The Real News Network / TRNN is a grassroots alternative video media outlet covering an extraordinary range of issues and presents an amazing and unique breadth of academics, activists, authors, experts, journalists, NGOs and individuals.
Gila Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM is
the very first Community Radio Station in the nation
to present content from The Real News Network!
GMCR / KURU broadcasts and webcasts The Real News on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The program is a one hour magazine format with a selection of their current, news, analysis and commentary.
Or listen at your convenience via the following links…
- Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Big Business: Limits Workers’ Rights to Trials
As mandatory arbitration clauses become commonplace in employment contracts, the US Supreme Court ruled that such clauses and waiving of the right to a trial and to class action suits does not contradict federal labor law. We talk to Bill Fletcher, Jr. about the consequences of this decision
- Average CEO Makes 339 Times More Than their Average Worker
The Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 requires companies to report the CEO-Worker pay ratios; Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies analyzes the data
- Puerto Rico’s Uncounted Dead: Study Says Hurricane Maria Toll Far Higher Than Official Count / p1x2
A Harvard study has found that at least 4,645 people have died as a result of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, 70 times more than Puerto Rico officials claim. We speak to Omaya Sosa, co-founder of Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism, who first reported the government’s official death toll was under-reported.
- Trump Seeks Regime Change in Iran, Ripping up Nuclear Deal and Imposes ‘Strongest’ Sanctions
Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said the US president is very “committed to regime change” in Iran, in a speech for the Iranian opposition cult the MEK. Then Trump sabotaged the JCPOA and Mike Pompeo announced “the strongest sanctions in history.”
- After Trump Cancels Summit, Koreas Try To Save It (Pt. 1/2)
After cancelling his June 12th summit with Kim Jong-un, President Trump now says talks are still possible. We speak to journalist Tim Shorrock about North Korea’s overlooked and misunderstood concerns and how Mike Pence and John Bolton stand in the way of peace
Though our broadcast of The Real News is limited to 1 hour, we would also like to provide these additional features via the following links…