Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Craig Childs

today2 July 2013 60

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Join host Allyson Siwik, Executive Director of the Gila Resources Information Project and Gila Conservation Coalition for this week’s edition of Earth Matters.  The subject is Craig Childs’ 2012 presentation at the 8th Annual Gila River Festival entitled Watercourse: Conversations with a Moving Element.

No matter where we live, our world is laced with water that is constantly in motion.  Glaciers collapsing off the coast of Greenland belong to the summer rain that falls on the Gila and muddies the river’s course and runs eventually toward a sea it never reaches.  And wherever it goes, water tells a powerful story.  This talk takes you on a tour of adventures and discoveries in water from the Gila to the rest of the world and back again.

The 9th Annual Gila River Festival is scheduled for September 19 – 22, 2013.
More info is posted at

Earth Matters airs Tuesday & Thursday at 10am and 8pm
Or listen any time via this link
Earth Matters / Craig Childs –
Watercourse: Conversations with a Moving Element

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061