Month: April 2021

22 Results / Page 1 of 3


Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: SWAG

Listen in this week as host Candice Burke is joined by the fine folks from Southwest Adolescent Group, known locally as SWAG Right click and select "Save Link As" to download Click here to find out more about SWAG

today30 April 2021 121 15


Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire: Matthew Hoh

Tune in to Friendly Fire to hear this week’s guest Matthew Hoh a former US Marine captain and State Department official talk about the true costs of our 20 year war in Afghanistan and what leaving will look like for all sides of the conflict. Listen below: Right click and select "Save Link As" to download

today28 April 2021 294 1


Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update: Dr. Fred Koster and Dr. Jagdish Khubchandani

Grant County Coronavirus Update April 28th, 2021 On today’s Grant County Coronavirus Update Dr. Fred Koster and Dr. Jagdish Khubchandani have graciously agreed to return to the program. GMCR’s Jamie Newton will ask them to summarize current pandemic trends at the global, national, state, and local levels, with attention to the implications of the distribution of new variants. What can vaccinated people do with acceptable risk levels in various situations? […]

today28 April 2021 263


Kindred Continuum

Kindred Continuum: Resilient Voices – Colores United

On this weeks episode of Kindred Continuum: Resilient Voices, host Laura Ramnerace talks to Ariana Saludares of Colores United to discuss the Deming Refugee Center as well as the situation at the border in general. Listen below:

today26 April 2021 198


Noon O'clock

Noon O’clock: Love Letters to Silver City with Edie Tsong and Jennifer Douglass

Today artist Edie Tsong and Jennifer Douglass from Western New Mexico University dropped by the station to discuss Edie's art project "Love Letters to the World", which you can see on display throughout downtown Silver City. Right click and select "Save Link As" to download Find out more about Edie Tsong at her website: and  on Instagram @plain_song_ Keep up with WNMU Cultural Affairs Dept. at

today22 April 2021 448 2


Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update: Dr. Rene Despres and Dr. Ken Sexton

Grant County Coronavirus Update April 21st, 2021 On today’s Coronavirus Update, Jamie Newton interviews public health consultant Dr. Renee Despres and environmental scientist Dr. Ken Sexton, both of whom have dedicated their professional skills and a great deal of time and effort to educating our community and developing local initiatives to control the coronavirus pandemic since it began. The program begins with an assessment of where we are now in the […]

today21 April 2021 318


Earth Matters

Earth Matters: NM Recycling Coalition & Silver City Recycles

This week on Earth Matters, GRIP Executive Director and Earth Matters co-producer Allyson Siwik talks to Sarah Pierpont, Executive Director of the NM Recycling Coalition and Chris Lemme, President of Silver City Recycles about what is being done here in the US, in NM and Grant County to address the serious problem of waste. One of the major problems confronting our global environment is the production and management of waste. […]

today20 April 2021 266


Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire: Jessalyn Radack

Our guest this week is American national security and human rights attorney Jessalyn Radack Right click and select "Save Link As" to download

today16 April 2021 89

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061