Friday 15 August 2014
- Basic Computer Skills Class
2pm – 4pm / Silver City Public Library – 515 W College Avenue / Classes every Wednesday and Friday from July 30 – August 22 by WNMU Adult Education Services / Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, Internet and E-mailing, and Microsoft Office basics / Free / Register at the first class session or Adult Education Services – 574.5101 / Limit 14 students
- Guided Group Meditation
5:30pm – 6:15pm / Billy Casper Wellness Center – Education Rooms / Meditations conducted by Jeff Goin every Thursday / No experience necessary / Free and open to the public / 313.4087
- Green Drinks
5:30pm / Little Toad Brewery – 200 N Bullard St / Monthly Green Drinks meeting of the southwest NM Green Chamber of Commerce and the NM Solar Energy Association – Silver City Chapter / No host food and drinks
- Greg & Charlie
6pm – 9pm / Diane’s Parlor – 510 N Bullard St / Original and Classic Folk Rock
Saturday 16 August 2014
- Silver City Farmer’s Market
8:30am – Noon / Enter at Bullard & 7th Streets – Local produce, eggs, landscape plants, baked goods, various home-grown local products, food vendors / Live music
- Ft Bayard Walking Tour
9:30am / Fort Bayard Museum / Free
- Exhibit Opening
11am – Noon / Silver City Museum – 312 W Broadway / Featuring Wilderness with Michael Berman, James Hemphill, and Anthony Howell
- Nine Breath Method and Prayer Circle
11am – 12:30pm / Integrative Health and Wellness Center – 310 W 6th St / With Martha K Everett / Proceeds donated this month go to the Grant County Food Pantry / 388.2098 or
- Bash on Broadway
6:30pm – 8:30pm / Broadway between Texas & Bullard / Annual welcome for WNMU students and families / Live music, dancing, carnival games, and a video game challenge / WNMU President Dr Joseph Shepard will deliver a State of the University address at 5:30pm / Free / 534.1700 or
Sunday 17 August 2014
Monday 18 August 2014
- Silver City New Hope Al-Anon Family Group
12:05pm / The First Presbyterian Church – 1915 N Swan / Meets on Mondays / 537.3141
Tuesday 19 August 2014
- Laughter Club
12:15pm – 12:45pm / Use the physical act of laughter to enhance your health. No jokes are used but lots of breathing, laughing and clapping. There is no cost, this club is sponsored by the Active and Alive program. Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd – 7th and Texas Streets – 575-538-2015
- Kiwanis Club of Silver City
12:00pm – 01:00pm / Each Tuesday noon for an open Kiwanis meeting featuring special guest presenters and often youth in our community. All welcome any Tuesday. Kiwanis is a service organization dedicated to serving children, one child at a time. Membership open. Lunch $12, at the Red Barn Restaurant, 708 Silver Heights Blvd.
- Grant County Prostate Support Group
6:30 – 7:30pm / GRMC Conference Room. 1313 E. 32nd St. Current patients, survivors, and those at-risk for prostate cancer are encouraged to attend. Dave (575) 388-2331.
Wednesday 20 August 2014
Thursday 21 August 2014
- Grant County CARES
3:30pm – 5:00pm / Grant County CARES (Community Advocates for Respect, Equality and Safety). The Commons, 501 E. 13th St. Community action team making a difference on bullying issues for all ages and age groups. Open to all. 575-388-2988
Saturday 23 August 2014
- 2nd Annual Summer Garden Flower Fiesta
9am – Noon / Silver City Farmers’ Market / Enter at 7th & Bullard Streets / A celebration of flower gardening! Pick local fresh flowers from your garden, create a breathtaking bouquet & then donate your creation to the Fiesta for a silent auction. The donation of your bouquet and proceeds from the silent auction will benefit YOUR community Radio station… GMCR / KURU / Then stroll among all the entries, pick your favorite and bid on it in the silent auction AND cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award winners who will receive prizes / Visit for details / Contact Monica Rude – 535.2860 –
To include an event on the calendar please send your request to and include the following information:
Event name
Date and time
Location with physical address
Short description if desired
Cost, if any
Contact name / phone / email / URL
If you have a recurring event, please send monthly notices which should include the date(s) and requested information from above.
Note that the list is compiled from list serve participants, various community calendars, and area postings. GCCHC and GMCR do not take responsibility for any missing/incorrect events and we retain the right to exclude unsuitable events.
For additional info contact Kendra Milligan / Public Relations Liaison / Grant County Community Health Council / 388.1198 x10 /