Earth Matters

233 Results / Page 16 of 26


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / AWSA – JPA Update

NM CAP Entity JPA Earth Matters co-producer and Upper Gila Watershed Alliance Executive Director Donna Stevens interviews Allyson Siwik, another Earth Matters co-producer and Executive Director of the Gila Conservation Coalition. They discuss the May 15 iteration of the Joint Powers Agreement to form the NM CAP (Central Arizona Project) Entity that will be responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the billion dollar Gila River diversion project.   […]

today26 May 2015 43


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Peter Russell

Silver City: A Natural History of Place Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project executive director Allyson Siwik talks to Town of Silver City Community Development Director, Peter Russell. Peter and Allyson have been working on a project on the natural history of Silver City that compiles ideas, data, stories, maps, photos and other information on the natural and cultural history of our town.  We asked the questions: What did Silver City look like […]

today21 May 2015 138


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Philip Connors – Monarchs & More

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project executive director Allyson Siwik talks to essayist and author Philip Connors. Many of us know Phil locally as a columnist with the Silver City Daily Press and a fire lookout in the Black Range in the Gila National Forest. He wrote about his experiences and reflections in the prize-winning book, Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout published by Ecco Books. […]

today12 May 2015 54


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Aldo Leopold Eco Monitors

In this week’s edition of Earth Matters, co-producer Nathan Newcomer interviews students from the Aldo Leopold Charter School’s Eco-Monitoring Program. Based in Silver City, Aldo Leopold Charter School launched their Eco-Monitoring program several years ago to give students the opportunity to participate in gathering data in the U.S. National Forest. They discuss much of the important work that the students do, including collecting data on soils, aquatics, range, forest, and […]

today5 May 2015 80


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / SW New Mexico Audubon

In this week’s edition of Earth Matters, co-producer Nathan Newcomer interviews Nancy Kaminski, Sara Boyett, and Lisa Fields from the Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society. They discuss many of the important work that the Audubon Society is doing here in the Gila Region, including efforts to protect the Gila River, and designated Important Bird Areas, which overlap with potential new Wilderness Areas. Other topics discussed include: volunteer Bird Counts open […]

today29 April 2015 49


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Mariel Nanasi – New Energy Economy

Donna Stevens interviews Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director of Santa Fe, New Mexico based NEE / New Energy Economy.  They discuss the pending decision of the PRC / Public Regulation Commission on PNM's proposed energy portfolio which would allow PNM to provide almost 60% of New Mexico's electricity via coal fired plants with a further substantial dependence on nuclear power and only 6% from renewable / clean sources over the next […]

today26 April 2015 141


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / PNM & PRC

PNM - New Mexico’s electric utility - has released a 20-year plan that is heavy on energy generated by coal and gas and light on renewable energy.  The Public Regulation Commission is in the process of reviewing their plan and has the authority to approve or disapprove it.  Donna Stevens interviews Camilla Feibelman, the Sierra Club’s Rio Grande Chapter Director, and Debaura James, local climate change activist. Hearings are being […]

today24 March 2015 73


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / NM Legislative & ISC Updates

AWSA/Gila River News from Santa Fe In this week's edition of Earth Matters, co-producer and GRIP executive director Allyson Siwik continues our Roundhouse coverage of Gila River bills that were taken up by the Senate Conservation Committee last week, as well as excerpts from the February 26 Interstate Stream Commission meeting. A substitute bill for Senate Bill 542 and SB455 to require legislative oversight, public participation, and fiscal responsibility in […]

today10 March 2015 71


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Gila National Forest Planning

In this week’s edition of Earth Matters, Donna Stevens - Executive Director of UGWA / Upper Gila Watershed Alliance - interviews New Mexico Wilderness Alliance Gila Grassroots Organizer and Earth Matters co-host Nathan Newcomer on the Gila National Forest planning process. The Forest Plan is a document that guides all management decisions from grazing and mining to recreation and wildlife.  The current forest plan is over 30 years old so […]

today3 March 2015 58

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061