Earth Matters

233 Results / Page 5 of 26


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / UNM Biodiversity Webinar

On this week's Earth Matters Radio Hour we'll be listening to a webinar about Transforming State Wildlife Management to Protect Biodiversity in the U.S. The webinar was part of the University of New Mexico's 2020 Biodiversity Series. We highly recommend listening to this expansive, informative and inspiring conversation with three highly experienced and insightful panelists--Louisa Willcox, Adrian Treves, and Fred Koontz--and moderated by Earth Matters' co-host Kevin Bixby. Right click […]

today5 January 2021 74 2


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / End of Year Show

On this weeks show, Earth Matters co-hosts Donna Stevens of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, Allyson Siwik of Gila Resources Information Project, and Kevin Bixby of Southwest Environmental Center get together for their traditional end-of-year show to review the top environmental stories of 2020 and priorities for 2021. Right click and select "Save Link As" to download

today22 December 2020 77 1


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Dr. Emily Haozous and Dr. Fred Fox

On this episode of Earth Matters, we’re bringing to you one of this year’s Gila River Festival presentations entitled "Community Health: How can we build resilience?" with Dr. Emily Haozous and Dr. Fred Fox. As the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately hits Indigenous communities and people of color and the calls for racial justice continue, it is no longer possible for society to look past long-standing inequities in our health care, economic, […]

today15 December 2020 75 2


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Resilient Water Future Panel with Priscilla Lucero, Stacy Timmons and Norm Gaume

This week's Earth Matters show features a presentation from the 2020 Gila River Festival about southwest New Mexico’s water future. How can we ensure that we have a resilient water supply for human and nonhuman communities? You’ll hear from Priscilla Lucero, Executive Director of the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments, about some of the water problems encountered in this area in the last couple of decades. Geologist Stacy Timmons […]

today9 December 2020 131


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Responsible Mining with Aaron Mintzes & Aimee Boulanger

Gila Resources Information Project executive director and Earth Matters co-producer Allyson Siwik talks to Aaron Mintzes, Senior Policy Counsel for Earthworks and Aimee Boulanger, Executive Director of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) about socially and environmentally responsible mining. How can we protect communities, air, land, water and our sacred places and force industry to pay for the minerals extracted from public lands and for the cleanup of the […]

today25 November 2020 340


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Tina Cordova & Joni Arends

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project Executive Director, Allyson Siwik, talks to Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium and Joni Arends, Executive Director or Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, about the legacy of the US nuclear weapons program in New Mexico on the 75th anniversary of the Trinity Test and bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We'll be exploring the questions: is New Mexico the nation’s nuclear […]

today28 July 2020 184


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Martin Heinrich & Britanny Fallon

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project Executive Director, Allyson Siwik, talks to U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich about several environmental and conservation issues in southwest New Mexico and with Brittany Fallon, Conservation and Legislative organizer with the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, about the 30-day legislative session that begins on January 21, 2020. Elected in 2012, Sen. Heinrich serves on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee […]

today21 January 2020 81


Earth Matters

Earth Matters /
Hollomon F-16 Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project director Allyson Siwik talks to Peter Russell and Earth Matters co-producer and Upper Gila Watershed Alliance director Donna Stevens, both members of Peaceful Gila Skies, about the Holloman Air Force Base expansion of its F-16 pilot training airspace across southern New Mexico. Although the Air Force acknowledges that current airspace is adequate for F-16 combat training, it would like to add more-- […]

today2 December 2019 96


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Drilling Down on Mining Impacts

Upper Gila Watershed Alliance Executive Director and Earth Matters Co-producer Donna Stevens talks about the Chino Closure/Closeout Plan and other hardrock mining issues with Allyson Siwik, Executive Director of the Silver City-based Gila Resources Information Project and Earth Matters co-producer. Although copper mining plays a big role in the economy of Grant County, mining operations contaminate surface and groundwater, impair air quality and pollute our environment, affecting our health and […]

today23 July 2019 120

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061
