Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – January 20th 2021

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Grant County Coronavirus Update

January 20, 2021

On this week’s show, Jamie Newton interviews Jeff Fell, Emergency Manager and Assistant Fire Chief of Silver City, and Dr. Renee Despres, a public health consultant. They are co-founders and coordinators of the Grant County Emerging Infectious Diseases Task Force. Beginning with a summary of the current status of the coronavirus in Grant County – new infections and deaths, hot spots and especially impacted population groups – the interview moves to practical guidance on who can be vaccinated and when, and what people wanting to be vaccinated can do right now. The interview concludes with misconceptions about vaccinations vs. realities, and the experience of receiving a two-dose vaccination.

Coronavirus Update is broadcast live on Gila/Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM in Silver City.

Tune in or stream online at Monday through Friday at Noon and rebroadcast weekdays at 6 pm and  8 am

Or listen to today’s interview in the player below…

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Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila/Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to in**@gr**************************.org


NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Grant County Coronavirus Update website –

Grant County, We Need You.  COVID-19 Video Message – link

Grant County Commissioner Alicia Edwards COVID-19 Video Message – link

Today’s NM COVID-19 Headlines

State News

State health officials on Tuesday reported 20 additional deaths and 691 new cases of the coronavirus. The latest numbers brought the state’s seven-day average case count to 998 – the first time that number has dipped below 1,000 since Nov. 6, according to an Albuquerque Journal analysis. The state’s total death toll due to the virus is now 2,975.

As of Tuesday, 643 people were hospitalized in New Mexico with COVID-19, an uptick from the day before.

Physicians say their health systems remain in a precarious position that is well above their normal patient volume.

“The plateau that we’ve reached currently is at a very high level. We can’t afford a further surge,” said Dr. Vesta Sandoval, the chief medical officer for the Lovelace Health System. “We’ll be back in a situation where we’re going to be very, very tight on beds. Even though we have a plateau currently, it’s not a great sense of comfort.”


Grant County News

In Grant County, the Department of Health reported 86 new COVID cases since last week, for a total of 1115 cases – 55 fewer cases than reported last week.  

In Grant County, there are 494 reported COVID cases recovered, leaving 708 active cases in the county as of Tuesday. 

There have been 2 reported deaths in Grant County since last week, bringing the total to 22 local deaths. 


Vaccine Information

The New Mexico Department of Health on Friday reiterated the sequence of COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

New Mexico is currently in the first portion of Phase 1B – people 75 years and older. Soon, the state will expand vaccinations to those with qualifying medical conditions. Health care professionals and other workers in Phase 1A remain eligible for vaccination. 

“New Mexico has two goals: to distribute vaccine as quickly as possible, and to ensure that vaccine goes to those who are most exposed – and most vulnerable – to COVID-19.”

New Mexicans who wish to follow the progress of the state’s vaccination campaign – or who wish to view a map of available provider locations – can visit the state’s vaccination dashboard at, which is updated Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

Call center support for vaccine registration on Department of Health hotline

The New Mexico Department of Health announced that the DOH hotline now offers support for questions surrounding vaccine registration.

Users who have questions or would like support with the registration process – including New Mexicans who do not have internet access – can dial 1-855-600-3453, press option 0 for vaccine questions, and then option 4 for tech support.

Users who have other vaccine-related questions can call 1-855-600-3453 and simply press option 0 for vaccine questions.

New Mexicans are encouraged to register for vaccine at

Nearly 300,000 New Mexicans have registered for vaccine so far. 

The registration process is straightforward: users create a profile, enter health and other information, and then wait to receive notification from DOH when the vaccine is available to them.


Food Pantry Schedules

Mimbres Valley Health Action League Mobile Food Pantry

Held the 3rd Wednesday of the month, the next Mimbres Valley Health Action League mobile Food Pantry will be held today – January 20th –  from  Noon to 2pm at the Roundup Lodge, 94 Acklin Hill Rd. Call 575-574-7674 for more information.

The Commons

The next regular food pantry distribution will be next Wednesday, January 27th from 4pm-6pm.  The Commons is located at 501 East 13th Street, next door to Knights of Columbus. For more information please contact The Commons at 575-388-2988 or visit the website

As a reminder the Food Pantries at the Gospel Mission and St. Francis Newman Center are open every week……

Food Pantry at the Gospel Mission

Located at 111 South Texas Street in Silver City is open for drive thru only on Wednesdays 8:30 am – 9:30 am. Emergency  Dry Food Boxes are available once a month to individuals upon request.   There is also a Daily soup kitchen: Breakfast takes place from 9:00-10:00 Mon-Fri and Lunch occurs every day from 12-1 pm. Showers and clothes are also made available to those in need.  Call 575 388-5071 for more information.

St. Francis Newman Center Food Pantry

Located at 914 W. 13th St. Silver City is open every Monday at 4 pm. Cash assistance for rent, utilities, bus passes and prescription drugs is also provided.  Call 575-388-4933 for more information.


Utility Assistance

PNM announced it is extending help for families, small businesses and nonprofits struggling to pay their electric bill. The PNM COVID Customer Relief Fund helps eligible customers pay down, or even pay off, their past-due PNM bill.

The funding, originally slated to end in December 2020, has just been extended to March 31, 2021, due to the number of customers that are still experiencing financial hardship from the pandemic. Apply by calling PNM at 855-364-2950 between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday or go to  

* * *

Next Round of LISC Rural Relief Small Business Grants Open from January 26th through February 2nd 

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is offering Rural Relief Small Business Grants for up to $20,000. Grants support small businesses and enterprises affected by COVID-19 across the country, especially those in underserved communities, including entrepreneurs of color, women- and veteran-owned businesses that often lack access to flexible, affordable capital. Applications are being accepted in “rounds” and a new application for each round must be submitted to be considered for funding in that round. The next application round is January 26 through February 2. Visit for more information.     

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COVID-19 disaster loan extended through 2021

The U.S. Small Business Administration announced that the deadline to apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program for the COVID-19 pandemic disaster declaration has been extended to Dec. 31, 2021.

EIDL loan applications will continue to be accepted through December, pending the availability of funds. Loans are offered at a 3.75 percent interest rate for small businesses and a 2.75 percent interest rate for nonprofit organizations, with a 30-year maturity and an automatic deferment of one year before monthly payments begin.

Eligible small businesses and nonprofits can apply for the program at

* * *

School Resources

ENGAGE New Mexico

For many students, going from a traditional classroom to learning from home can be a real challenge. New Mexico’s Public Education Department has partnered with Graduation Alliance to provide an extra layer of support for students in grades K-12 and their families who might be struggling with these changes.

Students who choose to participate in the program will get an academic coach to work with them to answer questions, connect them with resources, and develop a plan to get on track and finish the school year strong. Graduation Alliance is reaching out to students through phone calls, emails, text messages and more to get students started. Go to or If you prefer to give you can call 505-340-3250 to get more information .

* * *

Mental Health Resources

You can make a difference by being a voice for that person who can’t get the assistance they need to get out of an abusive situation.

 If you are experiencing any type of abuse or if you know anyone who is experiencing violence of any kind, there are several resources available to help you.

In New Mexico, you can talk to trained staff if you have mental health or substance abuse concerns: call 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474) 24 hours a day/7 days a week. You are not alone and it is normal to feel anxious and worried. You can confidentially reach out to talk to someone anytime and anyplace. 


If you feel like you want to hurt yourself, you can always reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Call 911 if you are in an EMERGENCY SITUATION. If you feel like you’re going to hurt yourself this is an emergency.

 If You Just Want Someone to Hear You Out…

 Call the Peer-to-Peer Warmline at (855) 466-7100.  They are available to talk every day from 3:30p – 11:30p MT.  They are available by text from 6:00p – 11:00p MT

COVID-19 Testing

Do you need to get tested for COVID? Are you experiencing 

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Local COVID testing schedule: 

The Grant County Public Health Office provides free testing every Tuesday from 8:00a.m. to 10:00a.m. and every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. 

Appointments can be scheduled by registering at 

CVS Pharmacy Drive-thru in Silver City is making self-swab tests available to individuals meeting CDC criteria, in addition to state and age guidelines. Patients must register in advance at

Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) testing is now available  Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 2:30pm (closed 12-1pm for lunch) in both Silver City  at 1007 Pope Street, and at their Lordsburg clinic on 530 De Moss Street.  Call 1-575-388-1511 for an appointment. 

The HMS Mobile Clinic will be doing Covid Testing and offering Flu shots for Adults only:

Thursday, January 21th:

Buckhorn:  from 10am-2PM. 

At USPS parking lot,

7658 Hwy 180 W, Buckhorn, NM 88025.

Monday, January 25:

Santa Clara

Dollar General parking lot

11988 US Hwy. 180

9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. (closed 12:00 – 12:30 for lunch)

For upcoming dates and locations go to the HMS facebook page at


At-home, self-administered COVID-19 saliva test opportunities

At-home, self-administered COVID-19 saliva tests offer accurate laboratory-confirmed results returned within 24-48 hours of receipt of the sample.

The free tests are available to New Mexico residents regardless of exposure risk– whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic, and whether they have come into close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 positive individual or not.

 To order a test, and for more information, visit


The state Department of Health reminds New Mexicans of the following:

  • Please be patient after receiving your COVID-19 test. As cases rise, so do testing demands. After receiving your COVID-19 test, monitor yourself for symptoms. If you are having symptoms or if you tested because of an exposure, assume that you are infectious and self-isolate even if your symptoms resolve. You can spread the virus without knowing you are positive and without having symptoms.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, even if you are asymptomatic do not leave your home to do errands, work, or to see friends. If infected with COVID-19, you must not leave your home unless you are seeking out emergency medical care. Find more information regarding testing positive at
  • Finally, if you need emergency medical care, call 9-1-1, not the Department of Health information hotline.

Remember that every New Mexican must work together to stem the spread of COVID-19 

  • Stay home, especially if you are sick. 
  • Wear a mask or face covering when in public and around others. 

These are all true even if you have recovered from the virus or have been vaccinated.

 Please continue to visit our website,, links to the information included in this update  plus more local, state and federal information and resources to help keep you, your family and our community safe in these times. 

Send us your updates via our email address at in**@gr**************************.org  or on facebook at grant county coronavirus update


Written by: GMCR KURU 89.1 FM

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061