Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – March 25, 2020

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Coronavirus updates for Grant County for Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Our guest today is Terry Anderson with Community Partnership for Children, and we’ll be talking about childcare resources available to people during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila-Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to

NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

Message from Grant County’s health care providers – video

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

CVU is broadcast live weekdays at Noon and
rebroadcast following Democracy Now! at 6pm and 8am

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CVU / Coronavirus Update – March 25, 2020

March 25, 2020 @ 12 noon

There are 100 positive cases of COVID-19 in New Mexico according to the NM Dept. of Health. Nine patients have been hospitalized in New Mexico due to the virus according Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.  Grant County currently does not have any positive cases of coronavirus.

Please note:  The New Mexico Department of Health has reported one death in the state since today’s update was recorded.  Press release

Given the infectious nature of the virus and the likelihood that other residents are infected but yet to be tested or confirmed positive, the Department of Health instructs all New Mexicans to stay home except for outings absolutely necessary for health, safety and welfare.  These additional restrictions have been enacted to aggressively minimize person-to-person contact and ensure that we slow down spread of the virus. Please stay home to protect yourself, your family and our community. For stay-at-home guidance and a full list of essential businesses and non-profit organizations exempt from this order, such as grocery stores, banks, gas stations, utilities, homeless shelters among many others, go to

On Tuesday, the New Mexico State Investment Council  unanimously approved a new recovery loan fund of up to $100 million designed to assist distressed New Mexico businesses facing economic hardship during the COVID-19 coronavirus health crisis.  The Fund will provide loans to “larger” New Mexico companies with 50 or more employees, and specific details on loan interest rates, terms and conditions will vary based upon the individual situation of each prospective borrower. The NM Recovery Fund will seek to supplement smaller-scale small business loans provided by the New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation through its lending partners, as well as other relief programs to be initiated by Congress and the federal government. Visit for more details.

Travel restrictions at the U.S.-Mexico border took effect March 21 at midnight. The restrictions focused on non-essential travel from Mexico—tourism, shopping and visiting family. Essential travel however, according to the Department of Homeland Security, is permitted. More information at

The State of New Mexico has set up a new webpage for those individuals needing financial assistance as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit for more information.

As a result of Governor Lujan Grisham’s latest public health order, the Town of Silver City has closed all Town Parks and park facilities until further notice. Please visit the Town’s website at for more information.

The Commons Grant County Food Pantry will take place today for Silver City, Tyrone and Arenas Valley residents from 4:00 – 6 pm at 501 E. 13th St. in Silver City – just off Swan St behind the Knights of Columbus.  There are new procedures in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Commons is asking all regular volunteers to stay home unless they have been contacted by either the food pantry manager, Jennifer Rider, or board member, Ellen Pryor.  This will be a drive through pantry with cars lining up by driving south on Swan and turning right onto E 13th. We are asking food recipients to please stay in their car until they are given instructions. When exiting the facility, we ask cars to take a right on 12th street to avoid traffic back-ups. For more information, please contact the Commons at 575-388-2988.

New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Secretary Elizabeth Groginsky announced that the state is providing free thirty-day accounts to Parentivity for all parents of New Mexico’s young children.

Parentivity is a web-based system that provides 24/7 customized information for parents of children from birth to age five. Parentivity includes 2-3-minute learning experiences in the form of interactive games, videos, and research-based resources and is accessible on smartphones, tablets, and computers. New Mexico’s families may obtain their free Parentivity account at

For childcare resources for Grant County, please visit the the Community Partnership for Children at

Please visit our website at for all of today’s updates.  And remember to send us your updates and questions — email us at or post on facebook @GilaMimbresCommunityRadio.

Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061
