Earth Matters

Earth Matters / 2014 NM Legislative Preview

today25 January 2014 184

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Welcome to Earth Matters. This week’s show features a preview of the 2014 NM Legislative Session with Sierra Club lobbyist, Dan Lormer and Todd Schulke of the Center for Biological DiversityAllyson Siwik / Executive Director of both Gila Resources Information Project and Gila Conservation Coalition is your host

This even-yeared session will last only 30 days and be focused primarily on budget issues but that doesn’t mean that contending forces within the legislature – and between the legislature and Governor Martinez – will not be vying to stake out new policy territory… particularly regarding water policy, infrastructure and the looming AWSA / Arizona Water Settlement Act.

This session will be the last opportunity for the legislature to speak to the issue of AWSA before the state must declare its intent to pursue or forego a disastrous diversion of the Gila River to who knows who and who knows where to the tune of (so far) a cool $350 to $450 million dollars.

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Earth Matters airs Tuesday & Thursday at 10am and 8pm
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Earth Matters / 2014 NM Legislative Preview

And our profuse apologies for the poor line quality on the call in interview with Dan Lormer!

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061