Month: May 2021

21 Results / Page 2 of 3


Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update: Roundtable on vaccines, children and more

Grant County Coronavirus Update May 19th, 2021 On this week’s Coronavirus Update we’ll be joined by Dr. Brian Ethridge, a pediatrician at Hidalgo Medical Services, Dr. Victoria Lehrman, a 3rd-year pediatric resident physician at the University of New Mexico/Children's Hospital of New Mexico who graduates in June and Chris Jepsen, a registered nurse and dietitian, and certified lactation consultant for a roundtable discussion on COVID-19 vaccines, children and more. Listen […]

today19 May 2021 197 5 2

Earth Matters

Earth Matters: Philip Connors

In this replay of an episode in 2018, host Allyson Siwik is joined by Philip Connors to discuss his book "A Song for the River". In it, Connors reflects from is lookout post in the Gila wilderness on life and death, wildfires, and free-flowing rivers. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:

today18 May 2021 106

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire: The Golden Rule

This week Don Kimball is joined by the crew from the Golden Rule. Sailing the pacific for peace, four anti-nuclear activists are taking the boat, the Golden Rule from Honolulu to San Francisco. This 39 foot sail boat that could is more than sails and wood - it's blood sweat and tears on a mission to save the human race  

today14 May 2021 123


Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: Border Partners

On this weeks Community Spotlight, Candice Burke will interview Esther Melvin, a representative from Border Partners. Right click and select "Save Link As" to download Border Partners is a non-profit organization which seeks to “ unite people from both sides of the U.S.- Mexico border.” Our program will address: - Mission/Vision - History - Inspiring stories - How COVID has effected Palomas - Current projects - Future projects - Give […]

today7 May 2021 123 5

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061