Monday August 25, 2014
- Silver City New Hope Al-Anon Family Group
12:05 p.m. the First Presbyterian Church, 1915 N. Swan, Silver City. Meets on Mondays. 575-537-3141
- Disability Advisory Council
3:30 p.m. Health Council office, 214 N. Black St. Open to the public to anyone with concerns or issues regarding disabilities in Grant County. 388-1198
- Women’s Ecstatic Dance
6-7:15 p.m. Sufi Dance Center on Juniper St., Silver City. Open movement/dancing to music, non verbal. $5 rental donation. Amy 654-9081.
Tuesday August 26, 2014
- The Silver City Museum is looking for Volunteers!
The museum is super busy and is looking for some volunteers to help with their busy schedule. Call 575-538-5921.
- Using Social Media in Your Business
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Silver City Public Library, 515 W. College Ave. Presented by the NM Small Business Development Center with Abe Villarreal. To register, call NM Small Business Development Center, 538-6320. Limit 14 students.
- Kiwanis Club of Silver City.
12 – 1 p.m. Red Barn Restaurant. Please join us each Tuesday noon at the Red Barn for an open Kiwanis meeting featuring special guest presenters and often youth in our community. Attend on the first Tuesday of the month and you will be able to be a part of the Kiwanis special “Student of the Month recognition” where ten schools bring one, special student each to recognize. (This happens the first Tuesday of each month during the school year.) 575-538-3396
- The Silver City Rotary Club Luncheon
12 Noon. Sunset Room on the second floor of WNMU’s McDonald Student Memorial Building. A speaker will talk about issues of community interest. Guests are welcome. $10 for a hot lunch with dessert and coffee.
- MRAC Annual Meeting
5:30 p.m. The Commons, 501 East 13th Street, Silver City. Members and other individuals interested in the Arts Council and its mission are welcomed to attend. Light refreshments will be served. or 575-538-2505.
- Silver City International Folk Dancing.
6 – 7:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall, 1301 N. Swan St. No experience or partner required. Dancing each Tuesday at this location through August. Free. 575-313-6985.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
- Gin Rummy
1 p.m. Yankie Creek Coffee House, 112 W. Yankie St. Every Wednesday. Beginners welcome. Experts challenged. 534-9355
- Basic Computer Skills Class Series
2 – 4 p.m. Silver City Public Library, 515 W. College Ave. Classes every Wednesday and Friday from August 27 – September 19 by WNMU Adult Education Services. Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, Internet and E-mailing, and Microsoft Office basics. Free. Register at the first class session or call Adult Education Services at 574-5101 to register. Limit 14 students.
- Bayard Al-Anon
6 p.m. at the New Church of the Southwest Desert, 1300 N. Bennett behind Food Basket in Silver City. Meets Wednesdays. 575-537-3141
- Walk the Labyrinth
6:30-7:30 p.m. Anglican Church and Retreat House of the Holy Trinity, 1801 Alabama St., Silver City. Come learn more about the labyrinth and walk it prayerfully. Meet in Chapel. Free. Shirin McArthur 505-918-0501.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
- Grant County Board of Commissioners Special Meeting
9a.m. Grant County Admin. Center, 1400 Hwy 180 E. To review liquor license application. Public is invited.
- GRMC Health Talk: Skin Care & Aging
1:30 p.m. GRMC Conference Room, 1313 E. 32nd St. Dr. Gilbert Arizaga, Dermatologist, discusses skin care and aging. Free. 538-4870.
- Fitness and Nutrition in the Community (FANC)
3:30 – 5 p.m. Grant County Health Council’s Office, 214 N. Black St. (next to Courthouse). A community group working on encouraging and expanding healthy lifestyles and active living in our county. Open. Free. 538-8573 ext. 120
- Guided, group meditation with Jeff Goin
5:30 – 6:15 pm Billy Casper Wellness Center 300 E. 16th St. Meditations held every Thursday. No experience necessary; free and open to the public. 313-4087.
Friday, August 29, 2014
- Gem and Mineral Show
9 a.m. – 5p.m. Grant County Business & Conference Center, 3031 Hwy 180 E. Gen and mineral vendors. Educational displays. Free.
- Basic Computer Skills Class Series
2 – 4 p.m. Silver City Public Library, 515 W. College Ave. Classes every Wednesday and Friday from August 27 – September 19 by WNMU Adult Education Services. Covers computer hardware basics, computer operation basics, Internet and E-mailing, and Microsoft Office basics. Free. Register at the first class session or call Adult Education Services at 574-5101 to register. Limit 14 students.
- Guided, group meditation with Jeff Goin
5:30 – 6:15 pm Billy Casper Wellness Center 300 E. 16th St. During the month of August, meditations will also be held every Friday. No experience necessary; free and open to the public. 313-4087.
- Greg & Charlie
6 – 9 p.m. Diane’s Parlor, 510 N. Bullard St. Original and classic folk- rock.
- “Circling Around the Earth”
7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Murray Hotel Ballroom, 200 W. Broadway St. Senior Sufi teachers from Europe will lead meditations, Dances of Universal Peace and spiritual practices. Part of a longer weekend event but Friday evening open to all. $15. Info call Mariam 534-1441.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
- Silver City Farmer’s Market
8:30-12pm, Saturdays. Downtown Bullard & 7th St – Local produce, eggs, fresh local meats, landscape plants, baked goods, various home-grown local products, food vendors. Live music.
- Gem and Mineral Show
10 a.m. – 5p.m. Grant County Business & Conference Center, 3031 Hwy 180 E. Gen and mineral vendors. Educational displays. Free.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
- Gem and Mineral Show
10 a.m. – 4p.m. Grant County Business & Conference Center, 3031 Hwy 180 E. Gen and mineral vendors. Educational displays. Free.
Monday, September 1, 2014
- Grant County Democratic Party’s Third Annual Labor Day Breakfast
8:30-11:00am at Gough Park, everyone is invited. Tickets $5 for a great breakfast of pancakes, bacon, orange juice, coffee. Candidates Raul Villanueva, Terry Fortenberry, Raul Turrieta will serve and we’ll recognize our unions and our working people for their crucial contributions to the community. MC, Nick Seibel. 654-6060.
To include an event on the calendar please send your request to and include the following information:
Event name
Date and time
Location with physical address
Short description if desired
Cost, if any
Contact name / phone / email / URL
If you have a recurring event, please send monthly notices which should include the date(s) and requested information from above.
Note that the list is compiled from list serve participants, various community calendars, and area postings. GCCHC and GMCR do not take responsibility for any missing/incorrect events and we retain the right to exclude unsuitable events.
For additional info contact Kendra Milligan / Public Relations Liaison / Grant County Community Health Council / 388.1198 x10 /