Community Calendar

Community Calendar / 20 September 2014

today19 September 2014 62

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Saturday 20 September 2014

  • 10th Annual Gila River Festival
    September 18-21. All day events. WNMU Campus & Global Resource Center, 12th & Kentucky. GRF events & registration at or 538-8078, or email at
  • Ft. Bayard Days
    Ft. Bayard National Historic Landmark. September 19 – 21. Vintage baseball 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m.– 1 p.m. 7 p.m. Military Ball with 4th Cavalry Military Band. Info 388-4477
  • Ft. Bayard Walking Tour
    9:30 a.m. Fort Bayard Museum (House 26) on historic Officer’s Row located on the west side of the Parade Ground. Museum will open at 8:15 a.m. Walking tour by Dr. John Bell will begin at 9:30. No admission fee, but donations to preserve, restore, and maintain the National Historic Landmark are welcome. Info 388-4477
  • Gila River Festival Activities
    11 a.m. – Noon. Silver City Museum, 312 W. Broadway. Meet the artists of the exhibit, Wilderness: Michael Berman, James Hemphill and Anthony Howell.
  • Monsoon Puppet Parade
    Noon- 1 p.m. Silver City Museum, 312 W. Broadway. Enjoy activities in the courtyard.
  • Children’s Activities
    1-2 p.m. Silver City Museum, 312 W. Broadway. or 538-5921.
  • Greg and Charlie, with Jeff Ray
    6-9 p.m. Diane’s Parlor, 510 N. Bullard Street, downtown Silver City, NM. Original and classic folk-rock. Free.
  • Stars-N-Parks
    Sunset 7:07 p.m. City of Rocks State Park. 327 Hwy 61, Faywood. Take a guided tour of the heavens compliments of the Silver City astronomy society. Program will be 8:20 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. Approach the viewing area with parking lights only and bring a red flashlight. Presenter: Matt Wilson.

Sunday 21 September 2014

  • 10th Annual Gila River Festival
    September 18-21. All day events. WNMU Campus & Global Resource Center, 12th & Kentucky. GRF events & registration at or 575-538-8078, or email at
  • Ft. Bayard Days
    Ft. Bayard National Historic Landmark. September 19 – 21. New Deal Theater. Interdenominational Worship Service. 9:30 a.m. Military Band. 10 a.m. Living Historians. Info 388-4477
  • UUFSC Service
    10 a.m. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City, 3845 North Swan Street. Rev. Azima Lila Forest will speak on, “Life hanging in the Balance.” There will be coffee and conversation with light refreshments after the service.
  • Silver City United Church of Christ
    1 p.m. Women’s Club, 411 Silver Heights Blvd. Featuring Lou Anne Smoot, author of A Christian Coming Out: A journal of the darkest period in my life. Co-Sponsored by PFLAG Silver City. 519-4103.
  • Gila River Festival, Gila River Blessing
    2-4 p.m. Mogollon Box Area, Gila National Forest. Carpool 1 p.m. from Silver City Visitors’ Center, Broadway & Hudson. Guests are welcome to stay afterwards to explore the area, check out the newly created Gila River water wheel, swim in the Gila River, and enjoy the company of many friends., or 538-8078, email
  • Bridge Community Fund-Raising Dinner
    6 -9 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 300 W. College Ave. Come help raise funds to bring a continuum of care senior living facility to Silver City (Independent through end-of-life) on one campus. Pasta, bread, dessert and beverage. Entertainment by Gila Highlanders. Small donation is requested. Info 538-5754 or 534-4523.

Monday 22 September 2014

  • Silver City New Hope Al-Anon Family Group
    12:05 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, 1915 N. Swan, Silver City / Meets Mondays / 538-2154.
  • Presentation by Out Lesbian Christian Lou Anne Smoot
    6 p.m. Silver City Woman’s Club, Silver Heights Blvd. Light refreshments. Book signing. Hosted by PFLAG Silver City. Free. Info 590-8797.
  • Women’s Ecstatic Dance
    6-7:15 p.m. Mondays at Sufi Dance Center on Juniper St. Open movement/dancing to nonverbal music / Donation / Amy 654-9081

To include an event on the calendar please send your request to and include the following information:

Event name
Date and time
Location with physical address
Short description if desired
Cost, if any
Contact name / phone / email / URL

If you have a recurring event, please send monthly notices which should include the date(s) and requested information from above.

Note that the list is compiled from list serve participants, various community calendars, and area postings. GCCHC and GMCR do not take responsibility for any missing/incorrect events and we retain the right to exclude unsuitable events.

For additional info contact Kendra Milligan / Public Relations Liaison / Grant County Community Health Council / 388.1198 x10 /


Written by: admin

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061
