Civil Discourse

Civil Discourse /
Debriefing the Defeat of the Quality of Life Tax… Whither Now?

today2 September 2013 32

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Welcome to Civil Discourse with your host, Jamie Newton.

This installment of Civil Discourse is a follow up to the program of 9 August 2013 prior to a special mail in ballot election which concluded on 19 August 2013.  That election was to approve or reject a tax increase and bond authorization to fund five dubious “Quality of Life” projects with a combined – and loosely estimated – tab of $10 million.

On August 9, 2013 Civil Discourse provided an in-depth discussion on controversial aspects of the election process, the proposed tax, and the five projects that were suggested for funding if the tax had been approved.

On August 29, 2013, ten days after the proposed tax was rejected by more than two-thirds of those who voted,  the original guests –  and a 4th who was unavailable for the 1st discussion – reflected on the election results, reviewed the process that led up to the election, and considered future prospects for economic development and improvements to the quality of life in Grant County.  These questions were addressed…

  • History of the special election:
    The proposed tax, the five projects slated for funding if the measure had passed, and a view from the inside of the origins of these proposals.
  • Outcomes of the election:
    With 30% of eligible voters participating 68.25% voted NO. Why did the voters defeat the proposed tax, and by such a large margin? Did their votes send a message, or messages?
  • Promoters and opponents of the proposed tax and projects:
    Who cared enough to invest effort and money in attempts to influence voters, what did they want, and how can they be brought together with common purpose?
  • Economic development and quality of life issues:
    What do these terms mean when applied to Grant County? Are economic development and improvements to the quality of life essentially the same thing in Grant County? What is needed and desirable in Grant County, and what improvements can we realistically hope to attain?

The participants were…

  • Brett Kasten
    Chair, Grant County Board of Commissioners
  • Joseph Shepard
    President, Western New Mexico University
  • Gordon West
    Local business owner and President of the SW New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce
  • Shelby Hallmark
    Member of the Steering Committee of the Progressive Voters Alliance of Grant County

Additional programs and information on this topic can be found at these links…

This program aired live on Thursday 29 August 2013 at 10 am and will be rebroadcast…

  • Monday 2 September at 10 am and 8pm
  • Wednesday 4 September at 10 am and 8pm
  • Friday 6 September at 10am

or you can listen any time via this link…
Civil Discourse /
Debriefing the Defeat of the Quality of Life Tax… Whither Now?


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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061