Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – December 9, 2020

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This week on Grant County Coronavirus Update, GMCR’s Jamie Newton speaks with Dr. Bob Garrett, MD, a psychiatrist at Fort Bayard Medical Center, about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on long-term care residents and staff, and their families and friends – and what all of us can do to minimize additional infections and mitigate negative impacts.

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila/Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to in**@gr**************************.org


NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Grant County Coronavirus Update website –

Grant County, We Need You.  COVID-19 Video Messagelink

Grant County Commissioner Alicia Edwards COVID-19 Video Messagelink

Coronavirus Update is broadcast live on Gila/Mimbres Community Radio 89.1 FM Silver City on Wednesdays at Noon and rebroadcast Wednesdays at 6 pm and Thursdays at 8 am

Or listen to today’s interview at your convenience via this link….

Right click and select “Save Link As” to download


The state Department of Health announced yesterday that there would not be an update on new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday because of a state government internet network outage that impacted the department’s electronic laboratory reporting system.

DOH continues to alert those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and conduct contact tracing, a press release from the state said.

Tuesday’s information will be announced on Wednesday, at the same time as Wednesday’s numbers. Both will be separated so the individual days’ data will be available. The outage impacted other state agencies, as well as websites and email systems, according to the state Department of Information Technology.

As of Monday, the state reported 109,947 confirmed cases of COVID-19 cases and 1,756 deaths related to the disease.

In Grant County, the Department of Health reported 56 new COVID cases since last week for a total of 569 cases,  16 fewer positive cases than reported last week. This number does not include Tuesday’s cases due to the outage at the department’s electronic laboratory reporting system . 

In Grant County there are 185 reported COVID cases recovered, leaving 384 active  cases in the county as of Monday December 7th. There have been 7 reported deaths in Grant County. The most recent death  – a female in her 70s with no reported underlying health conditions – was announced on December 1st.  

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, New Mexico health officials announced Tuesday they are preparing for an unprecedented shift in the delivery of inpatient treatment as COVID-19 hospitalizations remain at over 900 daily, overwhelming the state’s medical care system.

The crisis approach to hospital care, outlined in New Mexico’s recently revised Crisis Standards of Care, would allow medical staff to focus on efforts that would “do the most good for the greatest number,” the plan says.

“The only criteria is one’s ability to survive infection,” state Human Services Secretary Dr. David Scrase said in a virtual news conference. “That’s the only thing that should be used to determine resource allocation.”

Scrase said demand for medical care is outpacing the state’s supply of hospital beds and health care staff.


State  hospital leaders pleaded with New Mexicans to do their part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 to avoid rationing care. 

In a press conference on Monday reported by the New Mexico Political Report, leaders from the University of New Mexico Hospital, Lovelace and Presbyterian said they remain stretched beyond normal capacity for both general and ICU beds.

“We need your help,” University of New Mexico Chief Medical Officer Dr. Irene Agostini said.

“We need you to keep wearing a mask, washing your hands and not gathering in groups,” she said. “We also know that preparing for the holidays and getting ready for the holidays makes this much more difficult.”

One bright spot on the horizon was the expected decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to issue an emergency use authorization for a vaccine developed by Pfizer, the first such authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine. It could happen as early as this week.

Healthcare workers would receive the first doses of the vaccine. Until it is widely available and administered to enough of the population, New Mexicans will need to continue to wear masks, socially distance and otherwise do their best not to spread the disease. This includes avoiding gatherings, which have been a major source of spread of COVID-19 in recent weeks, as the state and nation have seen their highest numbers of new cases.

The leaders acknowledged the difficulty of not seeing family in person, especially during the holiday season, but said it would be better than the alternative.

“It’s heartbreaking to not spend a holiday with your loved ones,” Presbyterian’s Dr. Jeff Salvon-Harman said. “It’s better to speak to them on the phone, or better to speak to them via FaceTime or any online video chat platform than to attend their funeral.”



  • Symptomatic people displaying the COVID-19 symptoms of cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and/or loss of taste or smell.
  • Asymptomatic people who are close contacts or household members of New Mexico residents who have already tested positive for the coronavirus;
  • Asymptomatic people who live or work in congregate settings such as detention centers and long-term care facilities;
  • Patients who are scheduled for surgery and whose provider has advised them to get tested before the procedure.

For more information on Covid testing and contact tracing in New Mexico go to



The Grant County Public Health Office provides free testing every Tuesday from 8:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. and every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm. 

Appointments can be scheduled by registering on the following website: 

The Grant County Public Health Office is located at 2610 N. Silver Street (across the street from the Swimming Pool).

CVS Pharmacy Drive-thru in Silver City is making self-swab tests available to individuals meeting CDC criteria, in addition to state and age guidelines. Patients must register in advance at

Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) in Silver City is doing testing on weekdays except for Tuesday at their clinic at 1007 Pope Street in Silver City and at their Lordsburg clinic on weekdays except for Thursdays at 530 De Moss Street.  Call 1-575-388-1511 for an appointment. 


The state Department of Health reminds New Mexicans of the following:

  • If you feel sick, do not leave your home. If you feel any symptoms of COVID-19, seek out a COVID-19 test. Testing sites and hours are available at and
  • Please be patient after receiving your COVID-19 test. As cases rise, so does demand for testing. After you receive your COVID-19 test, monitor yourself for symptoms. If you are having symptoms or tested because of an exposure, you should assume that you are infectious and self-isolate even if your symptoms resolve. You can spread the virus without knowing you are positive and without having symptoms.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, do not leave your home to do errands or to see friends. If you are infected with COVID-19, you must not leave your home unless you are seeking out emergency medical care.
  • Finally, if you need emergency medical care, call 9-1-1, not the Department of Health information hotline.



The grant application for Small Business CARES Relief Grants for New Mexico businesses opened at noon, Monday, December 7, and will close at noon on Friday, December 18. Information on the guidelines, eligibility requirements, required documents, and the application process is available at Eligible businesses of 100 or fewer employees include for-profit businesses that are at least 51% owned by New Mexico residents, and nonprofit organizations. 



The State of New Mexico’s Human Services Department is launching a $5 million disaster relief fund for families ineligible for the federal COVID-19 stimulus program.

This emergency assistance program, funded with federal CARES Act money, is meant to assist state residents impacted by the pandemic who were left out of traditional relief programs.

This is a first-come, first-serve program administered by the New Mexico Human Services Department’s Income Support Division. It will help approximately 6,000 families with up to $750 

Families who qualify will receive the award through a bank deposit or check via mail.

The online request form opened at 9:00 a.m. on December 5 and closes on Friday December 11th. You can apply at or call 505-424-782



New Mexico households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food benefits will receive the maximum amount for their household size for the month of December. SNAP recipients with a regular issuance date of Dec. 1-12, will receive a supplement on Dec. 12, 2020. SNAP recipients with a regular issuance date of Dec. 13-30, will receive their benefits and the supplement on their regular issuance date. Individuals seeking to apply for SNAP benefits may apply online through or by phone at 1-800-283-4465. Newly approved SNAP recipients will be eligible for the supplemental benefit.



Mimbres Valley Health Action League Mobile Food Pantry

Held the 3rd Wednesday of the month, the next Mimbres Valley Health Action League mobile Food Pantry will be held next week – December 16th –  from  Noon to 2pm at the Roundup Lodge, 94 Acklin Hill Rd. Call 575-574-7674 for more information.

The Commons Gila Valley Mobile Food Pantry for Buckhorn, Cliff, Gila & Redrock residents

Is held on the Third Tuesday of the month. The next food pantry is scheduled for next Tuesday, December 15th from  2:00 – 4:00 p.m at the Fairgrounds in Cliff.

Also held on the third Tuesday of the month, The Commons Mining District Mobile Food Pantry will be held next Tuesday, December 15th  1 – 3 pm, for Santa Clara, Bayard, Hanover & Hurley residents at Bataan Memorial Park in Santa Clara. For more information on the Commons Food Pantries please contact The Commons  at (575) 388-2988 or visit their new website at  

Senior Citizens Mobile Food Pantry

Held on the third  Wednesday of the month, the next Senior Citizens Mobile Food Pantry will be held December 16th from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3755 N. Swan Street, for any senior in Grant County (55 and older).

The Food Pantry at the Gospel Mission located at 111 South Texas Street in Silver City is open for drive thru only on Wednesdays 8:30 am – 9:30 am. Emergency  Dry Food Boxes are available once a month to individuals upon request.   There is also a Daily soup kitchen: Breakfast takes place from 9:00-10:00 Mon-Fri and Lunch occurs every day from 12-1 pm. Showers and clothes are also made available to those in need.  Call 575 388-5071 for more information.

St. Francis Newman Center Food Pantry located at 914 W. 13th St. Silver City is open every Monday at 4 pm. Cash assistance for rent, utilities, bus passes and prescription drugs is also provided.  Call 575-388-4933 for more information.

If you are a senior or disabled adult and cannot access groceries, please call the state’s Senior and Disabled Adult Food Hotline at 1-800-432-2080. Leave a message with your name, telephone number and city that you reside in and you will be contacted within 2 hours of your call.  



Do you need help talking to your children about the coronavirus?

Having conversations with your children allows you to know what they understand about COVID and what they might not. It also helps them develop a deeper understanding of the situation through questions and open dialogue and helps them feel safe. 

For more resources including tips for parents, behavioral health support, easy ways to explain COVID to children and young adults, and free tutoring for students K-12, visit



Get all of your holiday shopping done from the safety and comfort of your home by shopping online at Downtown Silver City Cash Mobs. Organized by Silver City MainStreet, the virtual shopping events are held online using Facebook Live. Shoppers watch the event and use the comment section to shop. Volunteers track the comment section to record purchases and the merchant reaches out to the shopper the next day to arrange pick up or shipping.

To shop the Downtown Silver City Cash Mobs, go to You can also link from Silver City MainStreet’s website at

Fri, Dec 14, Grant County Art Guild

Wed. Dec. 16, Light Art Space

All of the Cash Mobs are from 5 pm to 7 pm

Support local, love local through Silver City Cash Mobs!


Please  continue to visit our website,, links to the information included in this update  plus more local, state and federal information and resources to help keep you, your family and our community safe in these times. 

While you’re there, you can  also join our mailing list to receive these updates via email

And don’t forget that you can send us your updates via our email address at in**@gr**************************.org  or on facebook at grant county coronavirus update

Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061