GMCR in the Media

Grant County Beat / 9 February 2011 / CP!

today11 February 2011 96

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Gila / Mimbres Community Radio Has Permit to Build Station

Photo Credit - Grant County Beat
Gila-Mimbres Community Radio secretary/ treasurer Kyle Johnson told supporters at a Tuesday evening meeting at Javalina that a construction permit for the radio had been granted by the FCC, and fundraising would begin in earnest.

Gila-Mimbres Community Radio secretary/ treasurer Kyle Johnson told supporters at a
Tuesday evening meeting at Javalina that a construction permit for the radio had been granted by the FCC, and fundraising would begin in earnest.
After a three-year wait, the Gila/Mimbres Community Radio corporation, a New Mexico and federal 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, has received a construction permit from the Federal Communication Commission to build a 10,000 watt FM radio station in Silver City.

The cost to get the station up and running will be around $150,000 according to secretary/treasurer Kyle Johnson. “We’re looking to raise $75,000 a year for two years,” he said.

With a potential audience of 31,000 people, Johnson added that they hope to get at least 1000 people to become members at a cost of $60 per year. The group will, he said, also undertake other fundraising efforts including application for grants. “There are grants available specifically for community radio stations, and we’ll be applying for them,” he said. “But, most grant givers want evidence that the community is willing to support the station, so we need to raise funds locally before applying for the grants.”

Gila / Mimbres Community Radio will be member-based, listener-supported, non-commerical, non-profit, locally focused and staffed entirely with volunteers. It will be at 89.9 on the FM dial and will, according to Johnson, offer the community news with a local bent. As opposed to the national corporate media, it will, in Johnson’s words, “Offer a wide range of content and ideas.”

More information is available at the radio web site: Donations can be made online.

• The original article is at Grant County Beat •             575-574-2703       • Email the Editor

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