Memory Lane Lives is a coming live public event on
Monday 27 May 2013
4 – 7pm
Memory Lane Cemetery
South of Hwy 180 on Memory Lane
in Silver City, NM
The Public is invited and it is free of charge
It will feature dramatic presentations of some of the areas prominent historical figures that now reside in the Memory Lane Cemetery.
Local thespians and volunteers will portray these often very colorful individuals. The event is being presented by the Town & Country Garden Club who now oversee the care and ongoing restoration of this significant historical asset.
Thanks to Paula Geisler for hosting the program, to Jack Ellis for dramatic coaching, Jeanette Giese for organizing the event and the 20+ volunteers performing the portrayals.
For additional information on the event and location, contact Jeanette Giese at 388.1281
Memory Lane Lives is scheduled for webcast as follows…
- Wednesday 22 May following Community Calendar at noon
- Thursday 23 May following Community Calendar at 6pm
- Friday 24 May following Community Calendar at noon
- Saturday 25 May following Community Calendar at 6pm
- Monday 27 May following Community Calendar at noon
Or listen to the program any time via this link
Memory Lane Lives
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