Community Partners

SCFM Report / 6 August 2011

today8 August 2011 2049

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Welcome to The Silver City Farmers’ Market Report!

Whoever the rainmaker is, A Blessing On Ya!  It’s still a little sparse but we are getting it more often so we’ll take it.

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Take a peek at the photos above and you’ll see that the SCFM is doing great. But this week we’re doing something a bit different and the audio is from the Gila Farm Stand and Coop in beautiful downtown Gila.  Enjoy!

Silver City Farmers' Market - 6 August 2011

The variety of offerings continues with LOTS of vendors and LOTS of wonderful produce, baked goods, meats and poultry, canned & prepared foods and herbal products from local growers and producers, wonderful free entertainment AND LOTS of folks arriving early to get the best selection.  So get out – don’t miss out!  And as beautiful and bounteous as the crops have been, they won’t last forever so, can, freeze or dry something!  Sustainable food has to sustain you all year round!

The Gila Farm Stand / Farmers’ Market happens every Tuesday from 3 to 6pm but they also have local produce, baked goods and crafts daily as well as a Freecycle Store where you can borrow or swap books, videos and, uh, stuff!  If you’re in the neighborhood, drop by.  It’s pictured below and it’s catty-corner to the Gila Post Office.

Can’t miss it. Soooo… Don’t Miss It!

And thanks again to Teleah and JJ from the Gila Coop and Farmers Market for their energy and support in bringing you The Silver City Farmers’ Market Report on top or raising chickens, children and the odd bit of Cain.  The pic above is the Gila Farmers’ Market which is every Tuesday from 3-6pm.

Be sure to check below for schedules for the Bayard, and Mimbres markets and support local sustainable agriculture!

And note the new Santa Clara Mercadito – It’s a bit Farmers’ Market, a bit Arts Fair, Performance Space and Fiesta.  Check it out! And download their flyer.  They could use some help distributing it so print out a few copies and put them up to help spread the word or hand them out to a few friends.  ok?  OK!  AND enter their Build the Best Tebajan contest.  1st prize is $100!  Download the contest flyer here.

AND, be sure to pick up a packet of powdered Cayenne for Community – grown by
Desert Woman Botanicals.  No NM cocina is complete without cayenne, right?

Get yours at the Silver City or Gila Coop Farmers’ Markets or at the Desert Woman Botanicals website!  Whichever one you buy it from – SCFM & GMCR get a dollar each for every 1/2 oz packet so perk up your pallette and Support Community Media & Local, Sustainable Agriculture while you’re at it.

Many thanks to Desert Woman Botanicals for the initiative and support for Community Partners!

This Is What Community Radio Looks Like!

Written by: admin

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