The Real News Network / TRNN is a grassroots alternative video media outlet covering an extraordinary range of issues and presents an amazing and unique breadth of academics, activists, authors, experts, journalists, NGOs and individuals.
Gila Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM is
the very first Community Radio Station in the nation
to present content from The Real News Network!
GMCR / KURU broadcasts and webcasts The Real News on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The program is a one hour magazine format with a selection of their current, news, analysis and commentary.
Or listen at your convenience via the following links…
- Paradise Papers Leak Details How Major Corporations Evade Taxes
The latest leak of documents known as the ‘Paradise Papers’ provide important details about how the world’s largest corporations are evading taxes through a variety of tricks and keep their earnings from being taxed. Economist and investigative reporter James S Henry explains.
- Congress’s ‘Show Trial’ of Big Tech over Russia
Twitter, Facebook, and Google were brought before Congress last week over claims about Russian use of their platforms to influence the 2016 election. We speak to Yasha Levine, author of the forthcoming “Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet.”
- Saudi Prince Salman’s Chess Game with Hezbollah in Lebanon
Prince Salman’s counter coup d’etat in Saudi Arabia has resulted in the forced resignation of Prime Minister Hariri in Lebanon says Vijay Prashad.
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Donna Brazile’s DNC Bombshell
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a prominent supporter of Bernie Sanders’ 2016 bid, responds to former interim chair Donna Brazile’s revelation that the Clinton campaign had effective control of the DNC
- Real Media: ‘Stop Killing Londoners’ Escalate Action Until Demands Met
In just five days, London breached its annual air pollution limit. In 2018, 9,000 people are estimated to die from air pollution in the city. Stop Killing Londoners – Cut Air Pollution is a non-violent direct action group who say they will continue action until London Mayor Sadiq Khan meets them to hear their demands
Though our broadcast of The Real News is limited to 1 hour, we also like to share additional features with you via the following links…