The Real News Network / TRNN is a grassroots alternative video media outlet covering an extraordinary range of issues and presents an amazing and unique breadth of academics, activists, authors, experts, journalists, NGOs and individuals.
Gila Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM is
the very first Community Radio Station in the nation
to present content from The Real News Network!
GMCR / KURU broadcasts and webcasts The Real News on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The program is a one hour magazine format with a selection of their current, news, analysis and commentary.
Or listen at your convenience via the following links…
- Virtually No Economist Believes the GOP Tax Bill Will Generate Growth
A $1.5 trillion growth dividend–a figure that Republicans based on a 20% tax rate, but claim would be the same at a 21% rate–is “pretty far-fetched,” says economist Dean Baker
- Honduras’ Flawed Vote Recount: A Cover-Up for Fraud?
The center-left opposition says Honduras’ recount of the presidential election was just as flawed as the initial count, as protests against the government continue. Heather Gies reports from Honduras
- Venezuela’s Opposition Sidelines Itself in Municipal Elections
The opposition’s decision to boycott the Dec. 10 municipal elections guaranteed that governing party candidates would sweep the vote. Lucas Koerner, of, explains that the boycott had nothing to do with the electoral system, but rather with the dysfunctional dynamics within the opposition
- The Only Peace Process is Palestinian Freedom
The ongoing Palestinian protests over Jerusalem come on the 30th anniversary of the First Intifada and amid declarations that the “peace process” that followed it is dead. We speak to human rights attorney Noura Erakat
- Can Pennsylvania Draw the Line on Partisan Gerrymandering?
Two trials in Pennsylvania–one state, one federal–are challenging how state Republicans have drawn up the electoral map, and the outcomes have major national implications
- Cities vs. Climate Change: Can Infrastructures Handle Extreme Weather?
Many cities are not resilient to disasters, and with human-caused climate change creating more extreme weather, those infrastructures will be threatened even more, says Jeff Schlegelmilch of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness
Though our broadcast of The Real News is limited to 1 hour, we would also like to these share additional features with you via the following links…
- Racism and Trumpism in Alabama
As Alabama votes in the special Senate election, historian Gerald Horne and TRNN senior editor Paul Jay discuss why an alleged sexual predator and slavery apologist is even in the running
- Partisan Clash over Trump-Russia Probe Gets Messier
The partisan clash over Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of the Trump campaign and Russia was on full display at a Congressional appearance by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein. Marcy Wheeler and Aaron Mate discuss