Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – April 8, 2020

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Coronavirus updates for Grant County for Wednesday, April 8, 2020. Our guest is Dr. Stacey Cox, Grant County representative with United Way of Southwest New Mexico and she’ll be talking about the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on area nonprofits.

Coronavirus Update is a local radio show that provides the latest information you need to know on local community strategies to slow the spread of the Coronavirus and protect yourself, your family and our community during this public health crisis. Brought to you by Gila-Mimbres Community Radio, Gila Resources Information Project, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Grant County and National Center for Frontier Communities.

Send us your updates to

NM Dept of Health COVID-19 Hotline 1-855-600-3453 or visit

Coronavirus Information Hotline at 1-833-551-0518 or visit

NM Crisis & Access Line, 24/7, 1-855-662-7474;

Message from Grant County’s health care providers – video

Donations to Community COVID-19 Response – Grant County Community Foundation

Coronavirus Update Resource Page –

CVU is broadcast live weekdays at Noon and
rebroadcast following Democracy Now! at 6pm and 8am

Or listen to this episode at your convenience via this link…
CVU / Coronavirus Update – April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020 – Updates as of 10 am – Please note: Because we are producing this show remotely, these updates are current as of 10 am. Information on this page can change quickly, including Coronavirus Updates from previous days. Please visit to see the latest updates.

794 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in New Mexico, with 13 deaths according to the NM Dept. of Health.  51 individuals have been hospitalized in New Mexico and 171 have been designated as recovered. (press release)

4 people in Grant County have tested positive for coronavirus.(Silver City Daily Press article on coronavirus outbreak at Chino mine – link)

The Department of Health reports that given the infectious nature of the virus, it is likely other residents are infected but yet to be tested or confirmed positive. To that end, all New Mexicans have been instructed to stay home except for outings absolutely necessary for health, safety and welfare.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has extended the stay at home order and other public health guidance and advisories through the end of April.

For more information, visit


Silver City Daily Press  – Hospital to get $7M advance from Feds

Excerpted from a release from Senator Martin Heinrich’s office:

Senator Martin Heinrich and Congresswoman Xochitl Torres Small announced today that after a major collaborative effort with the hospital and their offices, they have received confirmation that the Gila Regional Medical Center will receive an accelerated/advance Medicare payment of $6,839,422. This will allow GRMC to continue their operations and keep the health system functional. The funding is expected to be delivered by the end of the week. 

“Rural hospitals like Gila Regional Medical Center are absolutely essential to the health of their communities. It is critical that we do everything possible to keep these hospitals afloat during this crisis and I am proud of the collaboration with Congresswoman Torres Small to secure this loan that will provide a significant infusion of resources for this hospital. As we continue to grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak, I will keep fighting to make sure New Mexico’s hospitals – especially rural hospitals – and front line health care workers get the funding, resources, supplies, and support they need.” – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M.

“Every day I am working to make sure rural hospitals in New Mexico have the resources they need to keep their doors open and provide much needed care in their communities. When Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) contacted Senator Heinrich and me about their dire financial situation, we sprang into action. Thanks to strong communication with Gila Regional, funds included the CARES Act, and good teamwork to highlight the situation with CMS, we were able to help secure over $6.8 million in funding that will allow GRMC to stay open and continue treating patients. Now more than ever, we need to work together to support our rural healthcare, and I was grateful to be able to work with Senator Heinrich and the staff at GRMC to help make this happen.” – Congresswoman Xochitl Torres Small, NM-02

The CARES Act, that both lawmakers voted for, created a $100 billion grant program for hospitals and other health care providers combatting the coronavirus pandemic. The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is set to publish guidance on this program that will provide grants to hospitals, public entities, not-for-profit entities, and Medicare and Medicaid enrolled suppliers and institutional providers to cover unreimbursed health care related expenses or lost revenues attributable to the public health emergency resulting from the coronavirus.

The senator and the congresswoman are pressing the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response every day to develop grant application mechanisms, and will continue to do so as they fight to keep rural health services ready and able.


After hearing the concerns voiced by workers affected by COVID-19, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions is implementing changes to increase access for those applying for Unemployment Insurance. (press release)

Starting TODAY, Wednesday, April 8, the Unemployment Insurance Operations Center will be extending their hours for the rest of the week. The center will open at 7am and take calls until 7pm. The department will make an announcement this Friday, April 10 in regards to their extended hours beyond this week.

However, even with these extended hours, the department continues to strongly encourage anyone with internet access to apply and complete weekly certifications using their website at

Additionally, the Department of Workforce Solutions will waive the “waiting week” for claimants who have applied for benefits since March 15th. By waiving the waiting week, claimants will receive an extra week of benefit payments to their accounts while allowing for new applicants to receive their benefits faster.

And lastly in relation to the department of workforce solutions, this week will see the beginning of an auto-adjudication program that will clear specific pending issues which will result in a release of payments that have been held back. Rather than processing issues one-by-one, the auto-adjudication take a systematic approach, allowing many claimants who have been waiting to receive benefits faster.

More information from the Department of Workforce Solutions – link


The New Mexico Human Services Department announced the Income Support Division and Child Support field offices will begin limited lobby hours  for customers who do not have a cell phone or internet access. Most ISD and CSED field office lobbies will be open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily to assist customers without cell phone or internet access. (press release)

The lobby will be open, but is limited to five people at a time, so curbside services have been made available. It is asked that if you visit the office during these times, to please stay in your car and the staff will serve you.

Whenever possible, customers are asked to STAY AT HOME and use the Income Support Division’s online portal at where customers can apply for benefits, submit documents for eligibility, check the status of their case, and obtain other important benefit information. The online portal includes self-help videos for online or cell phone usage.

If a customer does not have access to a computer, they may contact the Customer Service Center at 1-800-283-4465. More information available at


The Silver Consolidated School District has initiated distribution of instructional packets for students.  

Because of increased requests for paper packets, and parents who were unable to make today’s times, the District is offering a drive thru pickup in the rear parking lot of the Silver Consolidated Schools Board Office at 2810 North Swan Street TODAY April 8 from 5:00 – 7:00PM. 

Signs will be posted directing drivers to the correct pick up location and those who are picking up for multiple students can drive thru any line and an individual will assist in the distribution of all materials.  

To make the process flow smoothly, parents are asked to have the following information ready for assistance in the pickup procedures: 

  1.     For students grades 1-8, parents are asked to simply have their grade level available.
  2.     For High School Students, please bring a List of Subjects the Student is currently taking
  3.     Parents are asked to consult with their students on the Subjects they are taking as the packets are based by content area in the following areas:  English and Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Career and Tech Ed (CTE) and Electives like Art or Band

Please NOTE:  For parents who have been contacted by the Special Education Department, your supplies and materials will also be available in the same time slot for pickup.

 Packets are not based by building, but by grade level or subject areas.  The activities in the packet are being done districtwide and mirror the online learning that is occurring for students currently using Google Classroom.

 If you are in Cliff:  Please contact the administration as they are coordinating efforts with families to assist in a variety of activities.  

More information at


United Way of Southwest New Mexico –

Grant County Community Foundation – online donations

Call the Grant County Community to donate items:

Tyler Bingham, Executive Director
Phone: 575-956-6095
Cell Phone: 575-654-0351

Please visit our website at for all of today’s updates and additional resources.  And remember to send us your updates and questions — email us at or post on facebook @GilaMimbresCommunityRadio.

If you missed part of today’s show, Coronavirus Update is rebroadcast at 6pm and 8 am Monday through Friday and past shows are available 24/7 at 


Written by: Allyson Siwik

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061
