
740 Results / Page 4 of 83


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Deming’s Water Future?

This week on Earth Matters, Allyson Siwik, Audubon NM's Beth Bardwell, and Western Resource Advocates' Jorge Figueroa discuss their recently released report on water conservation and efficiency measures for Deming as an alternative to importing water from the Gila River. Since the Arizona Water Settlements Act was passed in 2004, southwest New Mexico has been engaged in a debate about how to build long-term water security for the region -- […]

today8 May 2018 73


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / War & The Gila – Activism!

Holloman Air Force Base is proposing to conduct military training missions over the Gila Wilderness, Gila National Forest, Silver City, and surrounding rural communities. Join Donna Stevens of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance as she talks with local activists Jesse Franklin-Owens, Cissy McAndrew, Peter Russell, and Todd Schulke about Holloman’s proposal, including noise, economic impacts of trainings, public safety threat, and loss of quality of life amenities in southwest New […]

today10 April 2018 69

The Real News

The Real News / 4 April 2018

The Real News Network / TRNN is a grassroots alternative video media outlet covering an extraordinary range of issues and presents an amazing and unique breadth of academics, activists, authors, experts, journalists, NGOs and individuals. Gila Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM is the very first Community Radio Station in the nation to present content from The Real News Network! GMCR / KURU broadcasts and webcasts The Real News […]

today4 April 2018 78


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Frank Bryce

On this week's Earth Matters, we welcome our recent addition to the Earth Matters production team, Kevin Bixby, interviewing herpetologist, rattlesnake wrangler, and all around snake guy, Frank Bryce, along with a special guest... Mr Diamond Back Rattler!  If you listen carefully, you'll hear him announcing his presence as a running commentary during the show - from within his very secure cage. Frank has plenty of experience in this having served […]

today3 April 2018 119

Today's Healthy Community

Today’s Healthy Community / Drs Faulkner & Phillips – Opioids

This week on Today's Healthy Community,  Rebekka VanNess interviews Dr Molly Faulkner and Dr Bob Phillips on the opioid epidemic, and the need to educate high school and college students on career opportunities in mental and behavioral health fields. Dr Molly Faulkner is an Assistant Professor, Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Social Worker in the Division of Community Behavioral Health at the University of New Mexico Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral […]

today30 March 2018 147


Earth Matters

Earth Matters / Enviro Updates

Earth Matters co-producer and Upper Gila Watershed Alliance Executive Director Donna Stevens engages a broad ranging discussion with a cast of, well, several on things that you need to know about including... The perils of prescription drugs winding up in our water supplies, Potential overdose OR underdose of expired prescription drugs, AND, flat out abuse of prescription drugs for fun and profit, The decision of the NM Supreme Court on […]

today27 March 2018 89

Use Your Words!

Use Your Words! / Lydia Huerta

This week on Use Your Words!, Elise Stuart and Tom Hester interview Dr Lydia Huerta, Assistant Professor of Social Science and Cultural Studies, Latin American Studies, Latino Studies and Women and Gender Studies at WNMU.  She is the co-founder and co-director of the Center for Gender Equity and Social Justice, located on the margins of the WNMU campus. Use Your Words! is broadcast live on the 2nd & 4th Fridays […]

today23 March 2018 187

The Real News

The Real News / 14 Mars 2018

The Real News Network / TRNN is a grassroots alternative video media outlet covering an extraordinary range of issues and presents an amazing and unique breadth of academics, activists, authors, experts, journalists, NGOs and individuals. Gila Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM is the very first Community Radio Station in the nation to present content from The Real News Network! GMCR / KURU broadcasts and webcasts The Real News […]

today14 March 2018 97

GMCR Special Coverage

GMCR Special Coverage / War and The Gila 1 – Rally

Prior to the public meeting on Thursday, March 8, 2018 within the Grant County Convention Center addressing a US Air Force proposal which could result in 10,000 F-16 combat training flights per year over the Gila region, a rally occurred with several speakers including prominent residents, community activists, and elected officials. Despite the two day notice, and given its mid day timing which prevented many others from attending due to […]

today14 March 2018 143

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061