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17 Results / Page 2 of 2

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence / Part 2

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and El Refugio continues with the second in a series of programs titled Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence. Justin Cano, Justin Wecks, Luis Terrazas and Andy Anderson stand and speak out.  These men are from the fields of education, business and social services as well as a young man who has witnessed this horror first hand in his family. Others in the series […]

today25 October 2012 107

Locals Only!

Messin’ With Herbs / 22 October 2012

In this week's program Naava and I discuss the definition of annuals, biennials, perennials and the advantages of dividing perennials in the fall; the virtues of raw honey and how to make honey-based remedies; cooking with honey; making seaweed and miso soup, and the healing properties of all of  these. Messin' With Herbs airs regularly on Monday and Wednesday at 10am & 8pm. Or you can click below to listen […]

today21 October 2012 55

Locals Only!

Messin’ With Herbs / 15 October 2012

Monica Rude and Naava Koenigsberg discuss fall gardening activities including planting cover crops, oats, fall greens, larkspur, flax, chamomile; drying & storing herbs and seed saving. Regarding herb use, they discuss making an herbal shampoo with larkspur for head lice, as well as more information on the common occurrence of head lice among  school children. Food topics include a recipe for quick & easy soup using homemade convenience foods - […]

today15 October 2012 73

Community Partners

Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence – Ron Hall

The recordings in this series are of men in our community that have come forward to stand and Speak Out Against Domestic Violence.  Some are figures well known in the community for their ongoing civic commitments, some have held elective office,  deal with DV first hand as law enforcement officers and others are simply citizens, residents, neighbors, family or friends that have seen the pernicious effect of this all too […]

today14 October 2012 86

Community Partners

Protected: El Refugio / mso

Hi Maria and All, Here are the other recordings.  Silly me, got so excited about starting the series that I overwrote the others on the Ron Hall page. Men Speak Out Against Domestic Violence - Ron Hall / 7:47 We have about an hour total - including Ron Hall.  Since some of them are fairly short, I'd suggest we group them to make 4 more programs - roughly 12 minutes […]

today10 October 2012 40

Locals Only!

News @ Noon / 30 July 2012

Welcome to News @ Noon for Monday 30 July 2012 brought to you by Gila / Mimbres Community Radio in a landmark community media collaboration with The Grant County Beat – your daily  newspaper for up-to-date information about Grant County. Right click  here to download this edition of News @ Noon and click the titles of the individual stories further down the page to read the full articles at Watershed […]

today30 July 2012 71

Community Partners

SCFM Report / 6 August 2011

Welcome to The Silver City Farmers' Market Report! Whoever the rainmaker is, A Blessing On Ya!  It's still a little sparse but we are getting it more often so we'll take it. [wowslider id="44"] Take a peek at the photos above and you'll see that the SCFM is doing great. But this week we're doing something a bit different and the audio is from the Gila Farm Stand and Coop […]

today8 August 2011 2049

Community Partners

SCFM Report / Schedules

Here are the schedules for the 2011 Farmers' Market(!)s so support your local economy and sustainable agriculture by patronizing the Silver City Farmers' Market but whichever of the local markets you live near or pass by. Silver City Farmers'  Market Saturdays 8:30 - noon Between Bullard & Big Ditch at 7th Street 575.388.2343 SC Farmers' Mkt website or email Bayard Farmers' Market Wednesdays 3-6pm Aross from Post Office & Next […]

today16 May 2011 45

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061