This week’s program is All About Garlic – how to plant and cultivate it, characteristics of different species, amending the soil, care throughout the growing season, weed management, storage, health benefits, herbal remedies, food use including roast garlic and making dried granulated garlic.
Messin’ With Herbs airs regularly on Monday and Wednesday at 10am & 8pm. Or you can click below to listen to this installment any time.
Messin’ With Herbs / 1 November 2012
A good source of garlic information can be found at –
as well as this book –
Growing Great Garlic: The Definitive Guide for Organic Gardeners and Small Farmers by Ron Engeland, Filaree Productions, Okanogan, WA 1991.
Recipe for Roast Garlic
Brush 5-6 unpeeled garlic bulbs with olive oil.
Roast in 350 degree oven until golden and soft – about 10-15 minutes. Watch carefully so it does not get too brown.
Remove and cool
When cool enough to handle, squeeze out the garlic pulp and spread on bread, baked potatoes or veggies. Use in salad dressing, marinade, etc.
PS – Chewing fresh parsley helps freshen the breath after eating garlic.
Make Your Own: Dried granulated garlic
This process uses those too-small-to-bother-with cloves. It is not necessary to totally peel the cloves; just break the bulbs apart & remove the thickest papery skins.
Place in the blender and puree.
Remove from blender and spread thinly on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper.
Dry in a warm, well-ventilated place out of the sun until crispy dry.
Rub the dried material to crumble into small pieces.
Blow off the bits of dried skin, or place in front of a fan on low setting while stirring.
Store in a tightly closed container in a cool spot. Label with contents & date.
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