The Real News Network / TRNN is a grassroots alternative video media outlet covering an extraordinary range of issues and presents an amazing and unique breadth of academics, activists, authors, experts, journalists, NGOs and individuals.
Gila Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM is
the very first Community Radio Station in the nation
to present content from The Real News Network!
GMCR / KURU broadcasts and webcasts The Real News on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The program is a one hour magazine format with a selection of their current, news, analysis and commentary.
Or listen at your convenience via the following links…
- West Virginia Teachers Offer a Lesson in Organizing
With a deal reached in the West Virginia teachers strike, there is talk of revived labor activism nationwide. But is the deal fair to all, and will anti-union forces push back? We speak to West Virginia teacher Brendan Muckian-Bates and education scholar Dr. Curry Malott
- Baltimore Students Take to the Streets for Gun Control
Hundreds of Baltimore school students marched on City Hall for action on gun control and to oppose the militarization of classrooms
- Three Generations of Apartheid Schooling
In part one, author Noliwe Rooks discusses how her family’s experience with apartheid and segregated schooling inspired her to write Cutting School: Privatization, Segregation, and the End of Public Education
- Financial Deregulation Bill ‘Guts’ Dodd-Frank
Republican Senators – with 12 Democratic co-sponsors – are pushing through a financial deregulation bill that with dismantle the post-financial crisis Dodd-Frank regulations, in the name of helping community banks. But this is just a pretext, says former financial regulator Bill Black
- Violating International Law, Trump Renews Venezuela Sanctions
Trump renewed Obama’s sanctions against Venezuela, declaring it an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the US, violating international law in the process, says CEPR co-director Mark Weisbrot. Also, the US threatened the main opposition presidential candidate if he doesn’t boycott the upcoming election
- Canadian Logger Intensifies Persecution of Greenpeace and Stand.Earth
“They have nothing to go on,” says Todd Paglia, executive director of Stand.Earth, one of the defendants in the case filed by Resolute Forest Products, who had previously filed a case that was dismissed under anti-SLAPP legislation
Though our broadcast of The Real News is limited to 1 hour, we would also like to provide these additional features via the following links…