Tuesday Morning Beat

10-31-2023 Interview with Starr Belsky – Great Old Broads for the Wilderness Response to CBP’s Border Wall “Make Safe Activities” remediation plan. Part 2 “

today10 November 2023 417 1

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I hope you enjoy listening to the 10-31-2023 interview with Starr Belsky, of the Great Old Broads of the Wilderness Aldo Broad Band.  Ms. Belsky co-authored a report June 2023 in response to the CBP request for citizen response on a remediation plan along the Southwest border wall to address Life, Safety, Environmental, and Remediation Requirements (Make Safe Activities).   The report was a collaboration with the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club.  The report focused on environmental concerns including storm water management and the effect of Artificial Light at Night (known as ALAN).

In this discussion Starr Belsky highlights the environmental concerns, including NEPA violations and some solutions.

This is part 2 of the discussion with Great Old Broads of the Wilderness. Part 1 aired on 9-5-2023, and can be found in the GMCR Tuesday Morning Beat Archive

If you are not familiar with the Great Old Broads for the Wilderness (GOBW) it is an inclusive organization not restricted to age or gender, and the organization’s mission is to bring knowledge, leadership and humor to the conservation movement to protect our last wild places on earth. To treasure wild public lands for their intrinsic values and protect for current and future generations. Wilderness and public lands are for everyone; they are the heritage of all and a gift to future generations. And they advocate for healthy borderlands and wildlife corridors, including remediation of border wall impacts.

More information on their website https://www.greatoldbroads.org/

Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club:  https://www.riograndesierraclub.org/about-us/

For additional resources and information check out Center for Biological Diversity: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/about/

Sonoran Pronghorn fawns – photo courtesy of National Park Service

Written by: GMCR KURU 89.1 FM

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061