Month: December 2024

5 Results / Page 1 of 1

Kindred Continuum

TILANTONGO, Program 14: The Climate Crisis in the Campo, the Response of Young Campesino Farmers, with Eduardo Leon Zarate

In Tilantongo – Conversations from Indigenous Mexico; Conversaciones desde el México indigena, Phil and Kathy Dahl-Bredine bring perspectives and insights from Oaxaca, where they have lived with and learned from indigenous Mixtec people since 2001. This bilingual program features interviews with villagers, educators, environmental advocates, historians, and more. We hear of the disasters that changes in the climate are creating in urban areas of the North, but little about how […]

today30 December 2024 60 3


Thank you for joining us & helping us reach our goal!

Gila Mimbres Community Radio/KURU thanks YOU for helping us reach our goal to match a $7500 grant from the NM Local News Fund and several Challenge Grants from generous listeners.  Your support helps us bring you the quality programming you've come to expect from GMCR, from locally-produced talk shows to live DJs playing music to syndicated shows like Democracy Now, Pacifica News, and the Ralph Nader Hour.  We enjoyed chatting […]

today13 December 2024 75 6 2


Dan Bern live on KURU Thurs 12/12 for fundraising event!

To celebrate our December fundraiser, GMCR welcomes Dan Bern back into the studio to join host Nan Franzblau on Rambling Radio Revival this Thursday at 3 PM.  You are invited to come to the studio at 519 B N Bullard, where our door will be open and we will be sharing warm drinks and snacks.  Your donations will be matched dollar for dollar by the NM Local News Fund, and […]

today9 December 2024 40 5 2

Tuesday Morning Beat

“Beyond the Border” a discussion about Death and Dying with Siridharma Khalsa

In this 5th episode of 'Beyond the Border' guest Siridharma Khalsa reflects on how her experience of getting lost in the Gila Wilderness was an eye-opener to learn about fear and that being prepared is the ‘ultimate tool’.   Siri’s work as a yoga and meditation teacher, and with those at the end of life has given her a perspective of the depth of the human spirit, which fueled a desire […]

today6 December 2024 110 2

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061