Roots & Branches

Roots & Branches / 01 March 2014

today3 March 2014 125

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Well folks, this week we played a lot of singers, mostly from the UK and Ireland. Next week we will be celebrating  Women in music.
As far as this weeks artists go, we had a women’s cajun band right off the bat. One the women, Christine Balfa, was one of Jeanie’s early fiddle students back in 1979. The Creole Belles are a great old time cajun and creole band from San Francisco, mostly women (and old friends) they are often joined by Andrew Carriere, who sings the vocal on this tune – Le bebe and le gambler. Delma Lachney and Blind Uncle Gaspard are some of the early recorded singers in SW Louisiana and you can hear some of that early freedom from restraint in their singing styles and timing. Lal Waterson was a member of the well known traditional singing family, the Watersons, in England. Lal was a great singer and song writer, she wrote these songs.  The Posh Band is a grand ceili dance band from London and they also show some of their singing on Love is Pleasing, an old English song. They are followed by another Waterson, Mike – who has an amazing voice. One of these days we’ll play his ten minute version of Tam Lin on the show.
Sarah Makem was one of the great singers of traditional Irish music. Later on we have Sarah and Rita Keane, who do some lovely duo singing and they are proceeded by Joe Heaney, a real source of traditional singing in the old style from Irland. His singing is very much like an instrument as moves throughout the tune, carrying us to another place and time. Randall Bays just played at the Library last Sunday and demonstrated his skill on both the violin and the guitar, which is what he played on Castle Kelly.  Tony Bird is from South Africa and we heard him at a couple of Canadian festivals in the early eighties and the second festival, Tony’s sax player remembered us from the first festival in Vancouver and he played our whole set with us – fantastic times. Any way, that’s enough description of the tunes and onward to the playlist. Look up these musicians, many have recordings you can purchase, and some actually have spots on You Tube.

Playlist for 01 March 2014

Artists  /  Album  /  Song

  • Bon Soir Catin /    Vive L’Amour /     5 Donne Moi un autre chance
  • Creole Belles    Cajun & Creole Traditional Music  /  13 Johnny Billygoat
  • Lachney, Delma  /  Early American Cajun 1920’s  /  1 Le bebe and le gambler
  • Gaspard, Blind Uncle  /  Early American Cajun 1920’s  /  2 Sur le borde de l’eau
  • Waterson, Lal   /  Once In A Blue Moon  /  3 Stumbling On
  • Waterson, Lal   /  /  Once In A Blue Moon / 13 Some Old Salty
  • The Posh Band  /  English   / 1 Duke of Cornwall
  • The Posh Band   / English / 15 Love is Pleasing
  • Makem, Sarah  /   As I Roved Out d3x3  /  18 Derry Goal
  • Farrell, Liam & Joe Whelan  / They Sailed Away from Dublins Bay /   15 They Sailed Away from Dublins Bay + Pretty Girl Milking a Cow
  • Waterson, Mike / Mike Waterson  / 14 Seven Yellow Gypsies
  • Waterson, Mike / Mike Waterson  / 10 the Yorkshire Tup (Darby Ram)
  • Duke, Will  / Out of the Box  / 18 The Long, Long Wail
  • Red Molly / Light in the Sky / 07 Ghost
  • Chenier, Clifton / Bayou Blues / 11 Zodico Stomp
  • Live: Ken and Jeanie / Mardis Gras/Johnny Can’t Dance;  Accadian 2-step; Reed’s (waltz)/Courville (reel); Tourne Tourne Bebe Creole
  • O’leary, Johnny / Music for the Set / 1 Doyle’s Polka
  • Bays, Randall / Oyster Light / 1 Castle Kelly + The Bunch of Green Rushes
  • Heaney, Joe / The Road to Connemara d1x2 / 1 My Bonny Boy is Growing
  • Keane, Sarah and Rita / Once I Loved  / 7 The Banks of Moorlough Shore
  • Daly, Jackie and Seamus Creagh / Seamus Creagh / 11 A Brat chomp Deas Glas – Her Mantle so Green
  • Bird, Tony / Sorry Africa / 4 Mango Time
  • Bradley, Hank / Hassle the Caller / 9.  Chase the Crickets
  • Amy & Karen / Amy & Karen play 15 “old time” quality tunes & songs /14 Old Aunt Jenny with her nightcap on


Written by: bayou seco

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Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061