Month: July 2021

10 Results / Page 1 of 2

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: Medical Aid in Dying Act

On today’s episode Candice is joined by Adrienne Dare and Siri Dharma who will be discussing the passage and implementation of New Mexico’s Elizabeth Whitefield End-Of- Life Options act, which took effect on June 18, 2021. This law allows "Medical Aid in Dying as an option for terminally ill, mentally capable adults”. Listen below:

today30 July 2021 184 24

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: AAUW

On today’s episode, Candice is joined by Adrienne Dare and Karen Love who are representing the non-profit organization, American Association of University women (AAUW) and their program, Expanding Your Horizon. Expanding Your Horizon is committed to “Motivate girls to pursue education and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math”. Listen below.  

today27 July 2021 190 18 3


Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update: beWellnm

Grant County Coronavirus Update July 24th, 2021 On this week’s Coronavirus Update Jamie Newton interviews two guests from beWellnm, the state health insurance exchange, about affordable health insurance (even free for some people!) that is available to those who apply during the current Special Enrollment Period for health insurance that lasts until August 15, 2021. Katrina Smith, the Community Engagement Specialist for beWellnm, works with Southwestern New Mexico and the […]

today24 July 2021 305


Climathon: July 30-31!

PROGRAMMING IN GMCR IS MADE POSSIBLE BY ITS MEMBERS AND SUPPORTERS…2811 and the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance, who are hosting a Climathon in Silver City from July 30-31 at Western New Mexico University. The event includes workshops, guest speakers, site visits to compost and community garden locations, and a hackathon competition to design the best composting solution. Event details can be found at

today20 July 2021 142 2

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: Advocates for Snake Preservation

This will be the outline for the interview we will record in the studio at 9:15 to be aired following week: Candice Burke will be joined by Melissa Amarello the Executive Director for Advocacy for Snake Preservation; a non profit that is “ changing how people view and treat snakes. Our program will address: - History and Vision - Why Snake advocacy? - Uniqueness of the approach to Snake outreach, […]

today19 July 2021 151 17


Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update: Dr. Fed Fox, MD

On this week’s Coronavirus Update, Jamie Newton interviews Dr. Fred Fox, MD, a family and public health physician who has lived in Grant County, New Mexico, for 33 years. He has practiced medicine here, and for the past 17 years he has been the Medical Director of the Health Department in Greenlee County, Arizona – just across the state line from Grant County. In that position, he has major responsibility […]

today10 July 2021 300 8

Earth Matters

Earth Matters: Hunting in National Wildlife Refugees

Hunting in National Wildlife Refuges? Livestock grazing in National Parks? Wolf eradication in Wilderness Areas? Join host Kevin Bixby on the next Earth Matters Radio Show with guests Dr. Michelle Lute (Project Coyote) and Dave Parsons (Rewilding Institute) as they discuss these and other activities allowed on federal public lands, the conflict with wildlife conservation, and what it means for the Biden Administration's goal of protecting biodiversity on 30 percent […]

today6 July 2021 175 3

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: Silver City Museum

On today's episode, Candice is joined by Bart Roselli, Director of Silver City Museum to talk about the history and mission of museum, the impact of COVID, current exhibits/ projects, the July 3 Ice Cream Social and future projects. Listen below:  

today6 July 2021 200 8 2

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061