Roots & Branches

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Roots & Branches

Roots & Branches / 1 February 2014

Here is a recent comment on our show by Mark Weber who does a great Jazz show on KUNM in Albuquerque on Thursdays from 12:00 noon to 1:30. What better way to spend your Saturday morning than to deja vu into that subconsciously familiar all-pervasive "folk" music that underpins all the stories of the world that are worth anything -- everyone from Bartok to Charlie Parker dipped into this deep […]

today1 February 2014 169 1

Roots & Branches

Roots & Branches / 25 January 2014

Welcome back for Week Two of Roots & Branches hosted by Jeanie McLerie and Ken Keppeler, known more familiarly and collectively as Bayou Seco. In addition to their eclectic selections of trad, current and worldly music, you will also hear them perform some of their own tunes and others that they have acquired along the winding way either individually, collectively or with their guests. Ken was out of town this […]

today25 January 2014 45

Roots & Branches

Roots & Branches / 18 January 2014

This marks the the maiden voyage of Roots & Branches hosted by Jeanie McLerie and Ken Keppeler, more familiarly and collectively as Bayou Seco. In addition to a swell assortment of trad, current and worldly selections, you will also hear them perform some of their own tunes and others that they have acquired along the winding way either individually, together or with their guests.  This week includes the inimitable mr […]

today18 January 2014 106

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061