
33 Results / Page 2 of 4

Kindred Continuum

New Earth Kids: Gardening at San Lorenzo Elementary in the Past, Present & Future

Host Nan Franzblau and reading interventionist from San Lorenzo Elementary, Pat Ross, talk with seven 4th and 5th graders from Mimbres about the gardens and greenhouse on their school grounds.  The kids share plans for maintaining an aquaponic system they are currently building before delving into the importance of native species, decomposers, photosynthesis, and plant anatomy.  Their enthusiasm is contagious as they share the many benefits of growing their own […]

today19 April 2023 221 4 2

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: Bernadette Smyth

On today’s Community Spotlight, host Candice Burke is joined by Bernadette Smyth. Bernadette is the Executive Director of the Grant County Community Foundation. She is here to talk about the history and vision of the Foundation and Give Grandly. Listen below:   Contact:    www.grantcountycommunityfoundation.org # 575-956-6095   1106 N.Pope St., Silver City, 8806

today10 March 2023 276 8 2

Kindred Continuum

New Earth Kids: ALHS 9th Grade Environmental Science

Host Nan Franzblau and New Earth Project founder Carol Ann Fugagli are joined by five 9th grade Environmental Science students from Aldo Leopold High School.  The students discuss and evaluate the United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals and how they are meeting many of these goals through their restoration project at the Waterworks.  They also explore the implications of climate change in their own lives and our need to go beyond […]

today17 January 2023 389 8 2

Kindred Continuum

New Earth Kids: ALHS Eco-monitors

Host Nan Franzblau and Youth Conservation Corps Eco-monitoring crew supervisor Mike Fugagli talk with nine high school students about their roles in the Eco-monitoring Program at Aldo Leopold High School.  The students describe many community projects they have worked on, including replacing non-native plant species with natives along San Vicente Creek, filling Johnson-Su bioreactors with the New Earth Project, and visiting the tar spill in the Gila National Forest.  They […]

today22 December 2022 333 6 6

Earth Matters

Earth Matters: Wildlife Corridors

Are you curious about how many large mammals are hit on New Mexico's highways? Where are the hotspots where vehicles collide with deer, elk, bear, and other animals? It turns out that the Hwy. 180 and 90 corridor just outside Silver City is the second-worst place in the entire state for wildlife/vehicle collisions. Join Donna Stevens of the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance in a conversation with Jesse Deubel of the New Mexico […]

today13 December 2022 137 1

Kindred Continuum

Kindred Continuum: Tilantongo – Ep 2

In Tilantongo – Conversations from Indigenous Mexico; Conversaciones desde el México indigena, Phil and Kathy Dahl-Bredine bring perspectives and insights from Oaxaca, where they have lived with and learned from indigenous Mixtec people since 2001. This bilingual program features interviews with villagers, educators, environmental advocates, historians, and more. In Program 2, For the Love of the Earth and of the Community of Respect, a young Mixtec couple explain why they returned from the […]

today25 July 2022 226 2

Gila Mimbres Community Radio KURU 89.1 FM – 519 B North Bullard Street Silver City, NM 88061